In this article we will consider what porcelain is. This word comes from the Turkish and Persian languages. In its most general form, porcelain is a kind of ceramics that does not allow water and gas to pass through.

Properties of porcelain

Various objects are made from porcelain. If the walls of the product are thin, then they can be enlightened. If you tap lightly with a wooden stick on porcelain dishes, you will hear a characteristic pleasant high sound. The tone of sound can vary depending on the thickness of the walls, as well as the shape of the product.

The composition of porcelain includes: kaolin, quartz, feldspar and plastic clay. But this set of components can change, and, consequently, the final material will also change. One way or another, a large-dispersed mixture of source elements must undergo high-temperature firing.

Production technology

The above mixture must be poured into a gypsum,hollow inside shape. After a while, water from the solution begins to accumulate in the gypsum. At the same time, the outer layer of the product hardens. Thus, the longer the workpiece is, the thicker its walls.

Types of porcelain

Porcelain, as a rule, is divided into hard and soft. The form depends on the initial composition of the mixture. The chemical composition also affects the temperature at which the product will be fired. Soft porcelain is often used in the making of artistic products, and hard - in the production of everyday things (for example, dishes).

Porcelain objects are decorated with two different techniques: underglaze and overglaze painting. The technique depends on the layering sequence.

Many countries of the world are famous for their factories for the manufacture of porcelain. On one of these countries you will find in the article of our site What to bring from Prague.

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