Surely even in ordinary speech you oftenmet the phrase "ceramic products" or "pottery from ceramics." Under these definitions, there is a huge number of devices and objects that surround us and which we use almost every day. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what ceramics are and what it is. This will be discussed in this article.

Ceramics: Definition

In translation from the Greek language "ceramics" is"clay". That is why in the narrow meaning it is called burned clay and clay products that have been fired. In the broad sense of the word, ceramics represents everything that is made when exposed to high temperatures from inorganic materials, as well as their mixtures with various mineral additives.

Since ancient times, ceramics have been used as tableware(mainly from clay or with an admixture of other materials). To date, the concept has greatly expanded. Now ceramics is used in the spheres of construction, medicine, industry, art and others.

There are two main types of ceramics - fine andrough, which differ in structure. The most common examples of a delicate species can be called porcelain and faience, and rough - pottery.

To create porcelain main additivesfeldspar, sand and kaolin. In the manufacture of pottery ceramics are used red-clay. Then it is usually covered with glaze or colored clay paints.

The meanings of other terms you are interested in can be found alphabetically in our section Definitions.

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