Jerusalem artichoke is a very useful and tasty vegetable. Refers to perennial herbaceous plants of the genus Sunflower, Astro family. The homeland of Jerusalem artichoke is North America. Now it is widely distributed in Russia and Europe, also it can be seen in Canada, England, Japan and the USA.

Below is a description of Jerusalem artichoke, and also tells about its use in food.

What is Jerusalem artichoke: description

Jerusalem artichoke is also called an earth pear,the Jerusalem artichoke or the solar root. Use tubers plants that have a rich taste and contain a large number of vitamins. During the war, Jerusalem artichoke helped people survive, it was grown on a par with turnips, trout and potatoes.

How to use Jerusalem artichoke

Typically, Jerusalem artichoke is excavated in autumn, when it's time to harvest potatoes.

Before consumption, the fruit should be washed with a flowingwater, remove the remnants of the earth with a clean sponge. Peel is not necessary to remove, it contains many useful substances. You can cut the top and bottom tips of the tuber, remove damaged areas and unpleasant knobs.

Jerusalem artichoke is eaten both in raw and incooked form. There are many varieties of dishes with this tuber. For example, Jerusalem artichoke can be cut into circles and fried in a pan with chopped onions.

Also you may be interested in the information given in the article How to store Jerusalem artichoke.

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