The word "efficiency" has a common meaning, andalso a lot of concrete depending on the sphere in which it is used. Efficiency in a general sense means the productivity of the use of resources to achieve a particular goal. That is, effectiveness means the use of means by which you can achieve what you want.

A simple example: you want a smart, beautiful body. To achieve the goal in this sense, there will be effective, for example, classes in the gym. Classes are an effective tool for obtaining the desired result.

Let's talk about what efficiency is in more specific contexts. Let's consider efficiency in economy, in engineering, in natural sciences, and also we will allocate value of efficiency in philosophical science.

Economic efficiency

The word "efficiency" is used in economics in various meanings. For example, consider two:

  • Under economic efficiency (in a different waycalled the efficiency of production) understand the ratio of the useful final result and the costs of the production process. To determine the economic efficiency, use the indicator of efficiency.
  • The budgetary efficiency is an indicator forbudget as a result of the implementation of the program, investments, etc., which is defined as the ratio of the result obtained by means of the budget to the costs for obtaining it. Budgetary efficiency can be determined for the budget of different levels, as well as for the consolidated budget.

Technological efficiency

Technological efficiency implies a methodproduction, in which for the release of a certain amount of products, no more resources are expended than with other methods; while at least one resource in comparison with other methods of production has savings. Production is considered effective if the maximum amount of products is produced with the available resources.

Also in the technology, the concept of "node efficiency" is used. The effectiveness of the node is understood as the residual strength of the rope, the efficiency is expressed in percents.

Efficiency in the natural sciences

In this sense, we can talk about the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of ionizing radiation - an indicator that is used to quantify the radiation quality.

Philosophical sense of effectiveness

Efficiency is the ability to achieve the desired result when doing work with the least amount of time and effort.

The concept of "efficiency" is very broad and is applied in different areas. On the given themes to you the following articles also can be useful:

  • How to improve the efficiency of the enterprise
  • What is profitability?
  • How to know the efficiency
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