In the conventional sense, the word "conversation" has several meanings. Defining this concept, usually mean one of them:

  1. Mutual conversation between two or more participants,preferably a friendly or businesslike, sociable speech, sharing feelings and thoughts with each other in verbal attire (definition by Dal). In this sense, maintaining a conversation means having a dialogue with someone. For example: "What was your conversation about yesterday?" Or: "Talking, they went down to the beach."
  2. Conversation means the same as the interview. When it is supposed to ask questions, as a rule, pre-prepared, for some particular person (often, a well-known person) and receive answers to them. For example: "Our correspondent had a conversation with the head of a foreign delegation." This type of conversation is usually intended for publication in a newspaper or magazine, broadcast by radio or television.
  3. This is a popular lecture with the participation of listeners andexchange of opinions between them and the lecturer. For example: "Conversations about Eternity", as the title of the telecast. In this context, this concept also assumes the existence of several participants.

And what is conversation? This is the name of the magazine, and the name of the dance, and the name of the Czech club. Also called several villages in different parts of Russia.

Universal recognition was given to the role of conversation inthe learning process, the acquisition of new ones and the consolidation of the acquired knowledge. So well-known famous Socratic conversations, as a way of obtaining knowledge by his students.

About how different concepts are interpreted, read in our section Definitions.

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