Gathering a child to school is a very important occupation. Especially if you do this for the first time. Today we will tell you what each first-year student needs for school.

What you need to buy

First of all, you need to visit the stationery store and buy a knapsack and a number of necessary things:

  • Ballpoint pen. It should not be too thick and not too thin. When choosing, pay attention to the mechanism, the ink and how it lies in the child's hand. Buy only comfortable quality handles, but not very expensive, as children often break or lose them. It is necessary to purchase several pens with ink of different colors.
  • Counting sticks are necessary at first, while the first-grader will learn to count.
  • Notebooks and prescriptions. Most likely, during the year the child will need more than one dozen notebooks, both in the cell and in the slanting line. Therefore, you can immediately buy one package of each kind of notebooks. Sometimes notebooks are purchased immediately for the entire class, parents just need to pass the money. This is done so that the notebooks for all children are of the same sample. Also for notebooks, you need to purchase covers from dense material.
  • A simple pencil. Every schoolboy needs to have a good simple pencil. Now in stores a huge variety of ordinary pencils in a wooden or plastic shell, and mechanical ones, is presented. First-grader is best to choose a simple wooden pencil with TM marking, which means hard-soft.
  • Colour pencils. Color pencils should be bright and high-quality. The child has not yet mastered the perfection of how to hold a pencil and how hard it should be pressed on it when drawing. Therefore, the lead of colored pencils often breaks and they have to be undermined. Substandard pencils begin to crumble, so it becomes impossible to use them. To get a set of pencils is best of 12 colors.
  • For drawing, you need an album, paints, brushes, markers.
  • A sharpener, eraser, ruler - are also necessary tools.
  • Every first-grader should have a set for needlework: cardboard, colored paper, glue, small scissors.
  • In addition to all this, it is necessary to take care of the form in which the child will go to school. Most likely, the form should be the same for all - this must be known in advance.
  • Also it is necessary to buy a form and shoes for physical education: for classes in the street and in the gym.

About other accessories you can learn from the article What you need in school first grade.

What should a first-grader know?

Of course, at school they will teach the child to read and write, but nevertheless the foundations of these skills must be laid by parents.

  1. A first grader should know numbers, printed letters, it would be nice to be able to count to 10, write simple words, read syllables.
  2. Also the child should distinguish colors and call geometric figures, navigate in space - to know left and right, the days of the week, the months, the seasons.
  3. A first-grader should remember his address and the names of his parents well.
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