Before you delete a region in Maincraft, you needfirst learn how to create and move it. In order to create a region in Maynkraft, you need to take an ax with the help of such a command - "// wand". It is entered in the chat. Then you need to mark the territory for the region. This should be done around the perimeter of the place where private property will be located. Now you can create a region - / region claim. You must specify the name of your region, this is required.

You can also use various programs,to increase the region by a certain number of blocks. It is necessary to specify - "// expand", next to write how many blocks you need to add. Then specify the direction - up / down. For example, if you want to increase the private block by 30 blocks up, you need to do it: "// expand 30 up". In order, for example, to increase by 10 down, you need to do so - "// expand 10 down".

If you need to know how to delete a region in Minecraft,you can use this command: "/ region remove the name of the region". It is necessary to specify the name of the region that was set at its creation, otherwise such removal will be impossible, therefore, you will not get anything done.

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