In the practice report, it is not just necessary to describeyour activities during the period of practice in the organization, and write about their successes and achievements. Practice is a special kind of training when a student at an enterprise or in an organization learns to apply the skills obtained for the training bench. This is the first work experience. How you show yourself in practice, very much depends. For successful students, practice is a promising way of finding a job. Especially in state organizations, where information is spreading rapidly. In schools or hospitals, for example, you will be asked about your curator practice. To his opinion they will listen.

If you successfully passed the practice, then you can write a report easily enough. It consists of the following documents:

Characteristics of the trainee, practice diary, trainee report, schedule of practice, recall of the practice leader.

How to write a report on practice

The actual report on practice is written according to the following structure:

  1. Introduction. Here, the place of passing the practice, the type of practice (educational, fact-finding, industrial or pre-diploma), the purpose of practice, are set out.
  2. Content: includes the study of theoretical material, based on the tasks of practice, and the solution of practical tasks set by the head of practice to the trainee. If you worked in a group and performed the same tasks, the report will have your own, in which you reflect the mastery of theoretical material and what exactly did you do and what successes you achieved. Diary of the trainee will help to recall all the stages of practice and all the tasks that were received on it.

More information on how to write a report on practice, you can learn in the article How to write a report.

Material of the report

There should be many samples in the practice reportactivities, tables, visual material, that is, the products of your work in practice. If you worked with children in school, then the report should include the lesson plans that you conducted, the assessment system. Do not hesitate to show all your successes, include in the report photo materials and samples of your works. If you worked in a psychiatric clinic, then include an interview plan that you conducted with the patient, patient work samples in corrective sessions. Of course, all materials must be analyzed, systematized and correlated with theory.

  1. The final part consists of conclusions. What you got, what you learned during the practice.
  2. Be sure to attach a list of references, a list of regulations and the provisions of the organization in which you worked and who studied during this time.

To the report, the practitioner's diary is also attached. Each university develops its own form of this diary, the general is that it describes in detail every day of the practice, with what documents or types of work the students met, which they did themselves. At the end of each day, the practice leader puts his mark, his comments and homework.

The calendar plan is usually developed together withthe head of the practice on the first day. This is in an ideal situation, but most often the calendar plan is written after practice, when it is clear what the trainee was doing.

Also, the report includes a description of thetrainee, signed by the head of practice. It reflects the personal and professional potential of the trainee, whether he showed diligence in the passage of practice, violated discipline, the regime of the working day or not. Was executive, active, proactive, or vice versa. The same characteristic includes recommendations for further professional growth of the student and assessment of his professional suitability, recommendations that he needs to be corrected in himself, what to look for. The head of the practice can be a teacher, usually assigned to the department, where the student is studying. Also, one of the members of the commission may be the head.

A separate case is filling in the practice diary. Read more in the article How to fill in the practice diary.

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