Every day people communicate with each other throughvarious means - mobile phones, e-mail, but the most important means of communication is the language. Understand with all the variety of languages ​​is not easy, but to understand what languages ​​are, it is worth approaching this issue from different sides.

Basic language groups

  1. Natural languages;
  2. Artificial languages;
  3. Learned languages.

Natural languages

The natural language is the language spoken by people who are used for communication. Such language was not created artificially, but arose and developed independently.

Natural languages ​​are the languages ​​of the peoples of the world. They are divided into large groups and subgroups and have complex internal classifications. Many are interested in the question of which languages ​​are similar. The closest and most similar languages ​​will be the languages ​​of one group or subgroups. One of the most famous and numerous is the Indo-European language group, which includes such subgroups as the Germanic group of languages, which includes all known English, German and other languages.

The top five most popular languages ​​in the world include:

  1. English;
  2. German;
  3. Italian;
  4. Spanish;
  5. French.

In terms of the number of people who speak fluent language, the first place is occupied by Chinese.

Artificial Languages

Artificial languages, unlike natural languages, were created purposefully. The most famous artificial language is Esperanto.

Among a huge number of artificial languages, the following groups are distinguished:

  1. Programming languages ​​and computer languages;
  2. Information languages;
  3. Formalized languages;
  4. Fictional languages.

To date, there are several languagesprogramming, the most famous of which are Pascal, Java, C, C ++ and Delphi. This type of language is used to write computer programs. Computer languages ​​are a broader concept than programming languages. One example is the HTML markup language.

Information languages ​​are used in various information processing systems. An example of this type of language is the knowledge representation language SC, SCP, SCL and the language of the SQL database.

Formalized languages ​​are designed to record information and scientific facts in physics, mathematics, logic and other disciplines.

An example of a fictional language is the elven language, which was invented by J. Tolkin for his novel The Lord of the Rings.

Dead languages

This group includes languages ​​that are notexist in a living use. Such languages ​​are Latin, Ancient Greek, Old Russian. Some dead languages, for example, Sanskrit, continue to be used nowadays in religion.

Sign Language

The language of the gesture arose independently and is not included in thegroup of natural or artificially created languages. This language consists of a combination of certain gestures that serve to convey a particular concept and description of the situation. Gestures are made by hands and supplemented by facial expressions, the shape or movement of the mouth, as well as body movements. Usually sign language is used in the culture of the deaf and dumb.

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