This article describes that the firstAncient people were called Neanderthals, and also names of other more ancient and more modern ancestors of the "reasonable man" are given. This information is useful to fans of the game "Avatar", as well as all who are interested in history.

How did the ancestors of the first ancient man

The first ancestors of modern people areupright mammals - Australopithecus. They lived presumably 5 to 2.5 million years ago, and their remains were first discovered in 1954 in South Africa. It is Australopithecines that are considered to be the link between animals and humans.

The Australopithecus was replaced by the most ancient people - Pithecanthropus. They lived about 700 - 27 thousand years ago. The remains of Pithecanthropus were found on the island of Java (Indonesia) by Dutch physician Eugene Dubois.

After the Pithecanthropus, Neanderthals appeared. Their remains were found in Africa, Europe and Asia. Age of skeletons was 200 - 35 thousand years. These are the first ancestors of people who knew how to extract and support fire, developed speech. Neanderthals also hunted animals with the use of manufactured tools, removed their skins and built dwellings. The average growth of Neanderthals was 165 cm, the average life expectancy was 22.9 years.

The first modern type of people

The human skeleton of the modern type was for the first timefound in the grotto Cromagnon in France, hence its name derives. The earliest bone remains Cro-Magnon have an age of 40 thousand years. They already knew how to make complex types of guns, and also processed animal skins and made clothing from them. It was also in the era of the Cro-Magnon people that the first rock drawings and inscriptions appeared.

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