From ancient times to the present day, the flagis considered a symbol of the independence of the people and the state in which he lives. The flag of each country is unique, and each of them symbolizes something of its own. A big role in this play colors, which are also chosen not by chance.

It is known that colors on the flags of different countriesmean not the same thing. For example, the blue color of the flag of the Russian Federation means tranquility, and the blue color of the flag of Great Britain is power at sea, as traditionally this country is considered a sea power. Let's consider in more detail the most widespread colors on flags and their value.

  • Blue. As a rule, it means the sea (Seychelles, Australia, Great Britain) or the sky (Argentina). In exceptional cases, it may mean sanctity (France).
  • Green. Characteristic for Muslim countries (Azerbaijan, Algeria). Can denote nature (Bangladesh, Brazil).
  • Red. This color often refers to the blood spilled by people in the struggle for revolution and independence. To this interpretation belong the countries of Africa, here it is possible to include Venezuela, Vietnam. In some cases, red color is purely national (Nepal, Kyrgyzstan).
  • The black. Characteristic, mainly for African countries. In their case, it means the African-American population. Black color on the German flag is an integral part, together with red and gold - colors of the revolutionary banner of the XVII century.
  • White. It is usually considered a symbol of purity and peace (Israel, Russia, Honduras, Panama). This color often appears on other flags, but only partially, as in the case of the United States. In this case, it should be perceived as an integral part of the flag - the so-called striped type (Malaysia, Liberia, Cuba, the USA).

Now let's move to concrete examples and consider the flags of some countries.


National Flag of the Republic of Azerbaijanis considered a national symbol of the state. It consists of a rectangular panel with stripes of blue, red and green on it. At the same time, on the red part of the flag there is still a white eight-pointed star and a half-moon. What does the color of this country's flag mean? It is known that the blue color symbolizes the national Turkic culture, the green symbolizes the civilization of Islam, and the red color symbolizes the democracy of Europe


If you look at the national flagRepublic of Kazakhstan, then we will see that it is also made of a rectangular panel, where against the background of a blue color in the center is painted the sun with an unusual number of rays - 32. Directly under the sun is a soaring eagle. All images are in gold color. The meaning of the blue color of the flag can be interpreted as the sky, which is infinite. At the same time, this color means the well-being, unity and tranquility of the whole people under this sky. The sun of golden color symbolizes, first of all, life, as well as fertility and wealth. The color of the eagle symbolizes his power and independence combined with foresight.


What do the colors of the flag of Kyrgyzstan symbolize? It is a rectangular red cloth, and in its very center is the sun with forty magenta rays that depart from it. Inside the sun there is a tunduk of the Kyrgyz yurt.

The red color of the flag was chosen to denote the valor and boldness of the whole people, and the sun and the colors of gold symbolize wealth and peace.


Let's pay attention to the Republic of Tajikistan. What do the colors of her flag mean ?. In its center is a golden crown, which means seven cultural and historical regions of the country and the country's independence. The red color on the flag means sacrifice and valor, and white is the spirituality of the people and its moral purity.


The flag of this country shows a blueScandinavian cross on a white background. The blue color symbolizes a huge number of lakes in this country, as well as a light sky overhead, but white means snow and its purity on the territory of the state.


The flag of this country is quite simple and consists ofthree equal in size horizontal strips, but each band has its own color and meaning. A strip of white color means peace and freedom of all inhabitants. A strip of green color means the country's agriculture and the strength of nature. A strip of red color on the flag of the country means a symbol of the courage of the people of Bulgaria and the blood that was shed during the struggle for the independence of the state.

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