French is one of the most beautiful andmelodic in the world. If you decide to go to France or just want to learn it for self-development, then certainly you should understand the peculiarities of its phonetics and grammar. So, let's figure out how to learn French quickly and effectively?

Intensity of lessons

For those who started training, it is very importantpractice regularly - at least 5 days a week. On weekends, you can afford to listen to French music or audiobooks, so you will rest and learn French at the same time. Listening to it is as effective as reading.

In the first 1-2 months of classes, the basic rules of grammar and vocabulary are usually mastered, their duration should be reduced to 20-40 minutes, but to fulfill 2 approaches at a time;

In the future, your classes can last 1-2 hours,do not necessarily spend all the time behind the textbook, you can alternate the execution of exercises with audio lessons, music and so on. Thus, the words of the French language will become more familiar to you, and the vocabulary will quickly replenish.

Phonetic features

  • Reflecting on how to learn Frenchlanguage, it should be noted that everything happens, not as quickly as we would like. Be prepared for the fact that you will not immediately be able to hear and understand the original French speech. This is due to the fact that some letters are not read in certain positions, and some - can designate several sounds at once. Over time, you get used to it.
  • When learning French, it is important to maximizequickly learn to read. At first, the emphasis should be on reading. This applies even to unfamiliar words, when reading, do not think about translation, pay attention only to syllables.
  • The unusual nature of reading rules at first can be discouraging. But in fact, they are connected and logical, they just need to get used to.
  • Phonetic complexity of the language is necessary"dilute" by acquaintance with new words and translations of texts. This is done so that when you finally start to hear, you had a fairly large vocabulary, and you could at least understand a little what you hear.

Vocabulary and grammar

Try not only to learn individual words andphrases, and whole phrases. It should be remembered that in French the idea of ​​time and space is reflected in different ways. Plunging into it, do not look for direct parallels with your native language. So, for example, the word "salut" from the French can denote both "hello" and "bye." This depends on the context of the proposal, and prepositions can also indicate this.

The grammar of the French language is not so sheis complex, as it seems at first glance, it just needs to get used to. You can not learn the grammar just by the textbook, you must necessarily read and translate 1-2 pages of adapted text every day. Most of the words of the French language vary slightly, compared to the Russian. Try every day to learn at least the conjugation of 1-2 new verbs of different times.

Of course, we can not do without speakingpractice. It ranks first among effective methods of studying any language, including French. Communicate with your teacher at least 20-30 minutes a day. Let you not everyone will understand, but new words will be postponed in my head. Soon you will feel that your knowledge has increased.

How to quickly learn French

Remember one simple rule, the moretime you will devote to learning the French language, the faster you will learn it. Yes, this is trite, but in practice it is proved that if you give French every day for 1-2 hours, then in six months you can start quite confidently on it to communicate. The main thing is the correct organization of time, the usual cramming will help very few people.

Much depends on a good textbook andteacher, as well as from self-organization. With the "immersion" in the language environment, the language learns much faster, therefore, the most effective and quickest way to learn French is to go to France for a couple of months and talk with the locals. Unfortunately, neither of us has such an opportunity, but do not despair, if you want and effort, you can achieve the desired results.

The earlier you start to study materials related to your studies, work or your hobbies in French, the faster you will achieve your goal, as this will be an excellent motivation.

The main stages of studying French

  • Introductory phonetic course, its durationis 15-40 days. It will allow you to learn how to correctly read about 90-95% of phrases, but no one talks about the speed of reading. Fluency can be honed at other stages, because you did not immediately learn to read fluently in your own language.
  • Regular reading. The duration of this stage is 2-3 months. Its goal is to master the lexical minimum, as well as the ability to see the structure of the sentence. With the correct organization during this term, you can achieve an understanding of the various adapted texts by 75-85%. In parallel, the introduction to the initial rules of grammar should go.
  • Auditing is an active listening to video / audio materials. This will facilitate the consolidation of the vocabulary, acquired at previous stages.
  • Learning the grammar of the French language. Up to 90% of grammar can be learned in just 1-2 months.
  • Speaking practice (speaking). At this stage you will learn how to speak French. If you have not previously been immersed in the language environment, then be diligently prepared for this moment - a lot, very read.
  • Regular reading. If you want to constantly build up the vocabulary, or do not want to lose language - this occurs when there is a lack of communication with linguistic carriers, then you need to read at least 3-5 pages of text in French a day.

Remember and understand all the subtleties of vocabulary andgrammar of the French language is not obtained by any person. Learning is, above all, work. The right organization will make the study productive and enjoyable.

Now you know how to learn French. Do not delay, proceed right now and you will see that the result will not be long in coming. To make it more fun, connect your friends so you can improve your conversational practice. Before studying, talk with those who have already passed this way, this will be an excellent motivation. The main thing - do not throw in and make the classes regular, otherwise all your efforts will go wrong. Before you start, buy a couple of good textbooks. Good luck in your endeavors!

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