How fast to learn the verse?
If you have difficulty rememberinginformation, for example, you can not learn a verse, then we offer you several ways for better memorization. This information will be useful not only for students and students, but also for adults, because everyone once has to remember some information. You can easily make presentations, presentations, etc.
How fast to learn a verse: ways
First, try to determine which channelPerception of information is best developed in you: visual, auditory or kinesthetic. What type of people do you belong to? Visuals best remember visual images, audials - auditory, kinesthetics rely on their feelings. Determine your type by a simple method. Answer this question: how do you usually remember an unfamiliar mobile phone number? Look at it several times (visual), pronounce aloud (audial), copy it with your hand on a piece of paper (kinesthetic). If you have defined your dominant way of mastering information, then use it most actively. How can you quickly learn a verse? For the best memorization of poetry and other information, it is recommended to use all 3 channels of perception.
- Visual perception. It uses visual memory. Read the poem several times. Think about the meaning of words. Visuals are good in all the details to represent the paintings that are described in the poem.
- Audial perception. Read the poem aloud several times. You can record your voice on tape, use the audio recorder of a professional reader or ask a friend to read to you out loud.
- Kinesthetic perception. After reading the poem, rewrite it with your hand on a separate sheet. In this case, motor memory operates. In the future, teach the verse not according to the book, but from the paper you wrote. If you can imagine the sensations described in the poem, then do it. For example, if the poem is about winter, feel how cold you are, etc. Try to build an associative series of poem events.
For a more effective memorization of the poem, combine these three methods.
How to learn the verse very quickly? Some advise not to pronounce the verse, but sing it. You can come up with a melody yourself. When you learn the verse, repeat several lines without looking at the paper, then add new ones to them and repeat them together with the previous ones. So you will learn the entire poem.
How quickly learn english verse, that is, the verse onEnglish language? Naturally, you need to know the translation of the poem, so look in the dictionary beforehand the meaning of all unfamiliar words. When you teach, mentally translate what you say. Otherwise, act as if memorizing Russian verse.
Many note that if you repeat the learned verse immediately before going to bed, then the next morning it bounces off the teeth. Try and this method. Good luck!