In chemistry and physics, problems often occur, inwhich need to calculate the mass of the substance, knowing its volume. How to find mass through volume. The density table will help you in this, because to find the mass, you need to know both the density and the volume of the substance.

If you do not specify a density in the task condition, you canlook at the table in which there is such information about each substance. Ideally, of course, you need to learn such a table, but you can also refer to the textbook on chemistry.

The rule states that the volume of matter, multiplications byits density is equal to the mass of the given substance. From this rule, we derive the mass formula through the volume. It looks like this: m = V * p. Where m is the mass, V is the volume, and p is the density. Knowing the number that is equal to the volume, you can see a number that is equal to the density, multiply the data. So you can get a lot.

Example calculation

For example, given a volume of 5 ml. The volume of the substance is calculated in units such as liters and milliliters. A substance, the mass of which you need to find, is gelatin. Looking at the table, you can see that its density is 1.3 g / ml. Now use the formula. The volume of V is 5 ml. It is necessary to multiply 5 ml. at 1.3 g / ml. That is: 5 * 1.3 = 6.5 grams. Hence m - the mass is equal to 6.5 grams. Why exactly gram: when multiplying the volume by the density, we have such units as milligrams. They are shortened, there remain grams, which denote mass.

You can use another way. It is necessary to know or have the Periodic Table at hand. This method implies the use of the molar mass of the substance (in the table). It is necessary to know the formula, which says that the mass of a substance is equal to the product of the volume per molar mass. That is, m = V * M, where V is the volume of the substance, and M is its molar mass.

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