Chemistry and physics always mean computingvarious quantities, including the volume of matter. The volume of the substance can be calculated using some formulas. The main thing is to know in what state the substance is. Aggregate states in which particles can exist, there are four:

  • gaseous;
  • liquid;
  • solid;
  • plasma.

To calculate the volume of each of them has its ownconcrete formula. In order to find the volume, you need to have certain data. These include mass, molar mass, and also for gases (ideal) - a gas constant.

The process of finding the volume of matter

Let's look at how to find the volume of a substance,if it is, for example, in the gaseous state. For the calculation it is necessary to clarify the conditions of the problem: what is known, what parameters are given. The formula by which it is possible to determine the volume of a given gas is as follows:

V = n * Vm

The molar amount of availablesubstance (called n) multiplied by its molar volume (Vm). So you can find out the volume (V). When the gas is in normal conditions - n. , its Vm-volume in moles is 22.4 liters / mol. If the condition says how much substance in moles there is (n), then you need to substitute the data into the formula and find out the final result.

If the conditions do not specify the data on the molar amount (n), it must be clarified. There is a formula that will help to make the calculation:

n = m / M

It is necessary to divide the mass of the substance (in grams) into itsmolar mass. Now you can do the calculation and determine the molar amount. M is a constant, which can be seen in the periodic table. Under each element is a number that indicates its mass in moles.

Determination of the volume of the substance in milliliters

How to determine the volume of a substance in milliliters? What can be indicated in the conditions of the problem: the mass (in grams), the consistency in moles, the amount of the substance given to you, and also its density. There is a formula by which you can calculate the volume:

V = m / p

The weight in grams should be divided by the density of the specified substance.

If you do not know the mass, then it can be calculated as follows:

m = n * M

The molar quantity of the substance must be multiplied byits molar mass. In order to correctly calculate the molar mass (M), you need to know the formula of the substance that is given in the condition of the problem. It is necessary to combine the atomic mass of each of the elements of matter. Also, if you need to know the density of matter, you can use this inverse formula:

q = m / V

If you know the molar amount (n) and the concentration (c) of the substance, you can also calculate the volume. The formula will look like this:

V = n / c

You need a molar amount of the substance given in the problem to be divided into its molar concentration. Hence we can derive a formula for finding the concentration.

c = n / V

To properly solve problems in physics and chemistry, you need to know some formulas and have the periodic table at hand, then success is guaranteed to you.

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