Using ordinary batteries, oureveryday things: watches, children's toys, console, flashlights and others. How does the battery work? You can find out about this by analyzing it and carefully studying its internal composition.

Battery inside

If you disassemble the battery, you can see thatit consists of two current conductors (electrodes) - a cathode and an anode. Also in the battery there is an aggressive environment - electrolyte. One electrode is made in a powder form in order to save space and increase the size of the battery. In the form of zinc powder in alkaline batteries, a negative electrode is placed - the anode. The electrolyte is formed from potassium or sodium alkali with various chemical additives. Sometimes it can be lithium alkali - LiOH. Electrolyte is a predominantly viscous liquid. In order that it does not flow from the battery, it is brought to a thick consistency with the help of natural or artificial polymer compounds.

Interaction of constituent batteries

When the anode begins to react with an alkalinemedium, with the dissolution of the zinc body into alkalis. First, the zinc oxidation reaction proceeds. In this case, zinc is formed. When the electrolyte is saturated with zincate, the decomposition reaction to zinc oxide and water eventually results.

After this reaction, an excess occurs near the anodenegative electrons. In the electrolyte medium, as a result of the motion of the ions, equilibrium sets in. A small amount of electrolyte liquid is enough to run the battery. A brass conductor is placed on the bottom of the battery, and a substance is added to the anode to reduce the effect of corrosion, an inhibitor.

To increase the electrical conductivity of the cathode, itsare made from powdered manganese dioxide and coal powder, as well as from electrolyte and a thickener of liquid. The resulting component is compressed to a steel battery case. If the battery is discharged, then the reduction of manganese dioxide to manganese metahydroxide occurs.

To prevent mixing of liquids between them, a thin material impregnated with electrolyte is placed between them.

Knowing how the battery works, you can extendbattery operation. To do this, on a battery that has already sat down and does not work, you need to knock. Then the manganese dioxide will begin to dissolve, and the battery will not last long.

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