The computer is our assistant and friend. But there can be a very unpleasant situation in which any of its parts breaks down. Of course, you can refer to specialists and take your computer to repair. But before that, we recommend that you try to repair the computer yourself. Especially if it concerns such a trifle as a computer mouse.

List of actions, if mouse does not work:

  1. If we are talking about a wireless mouse, we could just sit down the battery. Buy new, expensive batteries and check if the mouse will work.
  2. The cause of the failure of the mouse can also bedriver. You could, for example, accidentally delete them or not install them, in addition, the driver could remove some virus. In a set with many mouses there are disks on which there are these drivers. Install or reinstall them, restart the computer.
  3. Often the problem can only besettings. Just go to the control panel and go to the settings of the mouse. Check whether everything is turned on and set up correctly. It would seem - a banal reason. And people think for hours why the mouse does not work.
  4. If you have a USB mouse, you should first check if the LED on it is lit when connected. For the purity of the experiment, try to insert the mouse into another USB port and restart the computer.
  5. If you have a mouse of an older type, withPS / 2-plug, then you should see whether the pins are not bent at the connector. Carefully inspect both the plug itself and the port in the computer. If you find that the pins are bent, try to give them the correct look. But be careful, it's very easy to break them.
  6. If the mouse stops working in some kind ofspecific game, it is clear that the whole thing is in the settings, the game, and not in the manipulator. Go to the management settings and try to solve this problem by setting the appropriate values.

One of the buttons on the mouse does not work

If the mouse works in principle, but failedonly one of the buttons, then it becomes clear: it's not a driver or a USB port. It's in one of the buttons. Just gently disassemble the mouse and see if everything is in place. Most likely the mikrik broke off - a small button inside. If you can somehow repair it - it's good, but if not, you'll have to buy a new mouse. Fortunately, they are not too expensive today.

Why the mouse wheel does not work

The mouse wheel can also not work onfor several reasons. First, the whole thing can be in the Windows settings. Here you can use the control panel in the computer. Secondly, there can be a breakdown inside. To do this, disassemble the mouse using a small screwdriver, and look at the scroll inside. From the wheel itself, inside the mouse, a lever often leans to the side, which presses the button when you press the wheel. Note whether it is broken. If it is broken, then it can be replaced by something from improvised means. Paste or like solder in plastic. Although, today it is much easier to buy a new mouse than to do such operations.

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