People have always enjoyed the gifts of nature, andtoday they use nature to achieve their various goals. Forests, the earth, along with everything that is contained in it, reservoirs - all this is actively exploited by mankind. Lakes also did not escape this fate. So, how do you use lake ecosystems? Let's try to understand this question. The way this or that lake is used is determined primarily by its specificity, location, size, composition and many other factors. Before using the reservoir, you need to make a comprehensive study of it, a detailed study of its entire ecosystem.

Use of lake ecosystems

People have long understood that lakes can be useful.

  • Undoubtedly, the lakes are excellent for summer recreation and health improvement of people. On their shores are built sanatoria, hotels, equipped with beaches and recreation areas.
  • Also, these ponds are ideal forbreeding of fish. To fish resources are not depleted, fish have long been bred artificially. In such conditions, where it is fed, and where there are no predators, it grows rapidly, so we always have the opportunity to buy a fresh and healthy product.
  • Today, more and more often in the lakes they catchvarious kinds of invertebrates: gammarids, bloodworms, branching crustaceans and so on, intended for various purposes, including for sale as a food for aquarium fish.
  • At the bottom of inactive lakes, a largethe amount of silt in which for years a huge amount of rotted residues of natural and animal origin accumulate. Such silt is a fine fertilizer for agriculture, besides free and natural, in which there is not a single drop of the most harmful chemistry that everyone is so afraid of. It is pumped from the bottom of swamps and lakes, dried and transported to the fields.
  • Large lakes, among other things, are also used as transport arteries. They are widely developed shipping, thanks to which transportation is carried out, both people and cargo.

In the exploitation of lakes, it is important howlake ecosystems in terms of ecology. Important care for the water body. People should be afraid to disturb the ecosystem of the lake, pollute it, so that it does not turn into a swamp, because the ecosystem is a very fragile thing, changing one link of its chain can lead to a change and, as a result, the destruction of the entire system.

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