Russian is rich in foreign vocabulary. And this is not accidental. The appearance of words from another language is evidence of the diverse connections between countries and peoples. By taking something from another language, people use the word that it is labeled.

Some foreign words are used onlyspecialists, others firmly entered the speech, becoming common. One of these words is the "axiom". What is the axiom. What is the meaning and use of this word?

The word axiom is Greek (axioma), in translation fromof a given language, it means "significant, accepted position". An axiom is a thought, a position that is proved, does not require additional explanations and is used as a basis for other evidence. An axiom is a truth that does not require proof.

The use of the word "axiom"

  • Originally the word was purely a scientific term. Scientists used it to affirm the idea of ​​something. For example: "The sun is moving around the sun, it's an axiom."
  • Axiom is the truth accepted for faith. Therefore, the basis of any religion are axioms, which are called the canons of religion. For example: "The basis of religion is the axiom that the world is created by God."
  • Over time, the word has become popular andin the speech began to be used for the convincing proof of something. For example: "For the successful delivery of the Unified State Examination, graduates should seriously study the theory of the subject, this is an axiom."

Material about other terms can be found in the Definitions section on our website.

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