Why does Raskolnikov suffer?
Roman F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" is a cult and raises eternal questions, to which everyone should give an answer to himself. One such question: why does Raskolnikov suffer, what brings him to mental anguish, and what is the punishment?
A crime
Initially, Rodion Raskolnikov reflects ontheory of a strong personality. Being a young man and a nihilist who believes that all the rules and foundations have become obsolete and do not bring anything good to the new society, he wants to turn the world's weight around. He wants to fill it with strong personalities capable of everything, but, as you know, you want to change the world - start with yourself. For the ideal of a strong personality, Raskolnikov accepts the outstanding man of his time, Napoleon Bonaparte. He is in his eyes - a strong personality, capable of everything for the sake of power, including murder.
Murder of the old woman-interest for Rodionbecomes a test of one's own soul. Putting themselves an order of magnitude higher than ordinary people, "the creatures trembling," Raskolnikov believes that he can kill and remain calm, since this crime in his head looks like a boon in the name of society. Just as Bonaparte sacrificed part of the army, sending people to death to save the people, so Rodion decides to sacrifice an old woman in the name of all those who suffer.
But having committed a crime, Raskolnikov understands,that he is the same person as everyone else. It is conscience that answers the question of why Raskolnikov suffers and is tormented. He understands that he took life from a person, committed an immoral act and encroached on what does not belong to him.
The punishment for Rodion is his suffering andremorse, which gradually turn into a persecution mania. It always seems to him that now they will come to arrest him, that the whole essence of his rotten soul is about to open.
That is why Rodion Raskolnikov suffers and is tormented, unable to withstand such emotional torment, he himself goes to give in red, deciding to bear the punishment he deserved.