Causes of the Civil War
Modern historiography distinguishes political,social contradictions, as well as national-ethnic enmity as the most important causes of the Civil War in Russia. First of all, and the fact that by October 1917 the agrarian question and the question of the end of the war remained unresolved.
The Bolsheviks, by virtue of the theoretical foundations of theirthe teachings were not only prepared, for the possible conduct of a "civil war", but they wanted to bring it closer to the beginning. In 1914 they put forward the slogan "We will transform the imperialist war into a civil war!" Further, the Bolshevik leadership was heading towards the beginning of a civil war with the goal of transforming the great world war into a world revolution.
According to some modern Russianhistorians, there is an integrative unity between October 1917 and the beginning of the Civil War in Russia. The leadership of the Soviet state took political steps, in the period between the October Revolution and the Civil War, which were the main causes of the Civil War, according to most historians.
- Nationalization of land and confiscation of fundsproduction of large-scale real estate, banks and other property, not only among the big bourgeoisie, but also among medium-sized, even small private owners. The state monopoly on the distribution of goods and food, the abolition of commodity-money relations shook the position of the middle and petty bourgeoisie. Then, the desire of the ruling classes to retain property and restore their privileged position became one of the reasons for the outbreak of the Civil War.
- Dispersal of the Constituent Assembly, that is, the refusalBolsheviks from the principles of parliamentarism and a homogeneous socialist government, led to indignation of moderate socialists. The organization of a one-party political system and the so-called "dictatorship of the proletariat", which in fact was the dictatorship of the Central Committee of the RCP (B.), Also alienated democratic social associations and socialist parties. The decrees "On the arrest of the leaders of the civil war against the revolution" and "on the Red Terror" legislatively justified the "right" of the Bolshevik leadership to punish their political opponents. In this connection, right-wing and left-wing Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and Anarchists came out in the Civil War against the Bolsheviks.
- the way out of the war through the signing of the Brest Peace with Germany, was regarded by many people as a failure of the authorities to stand up for the protection of the country's honor and dignity.
- activity of the Bolsheviks (in whichthe number of fighters increased from 12,000 to 80,000 in three months), and the kombedov in the village, the processes of raznakachivaniya, forced the multimillion peasantry to rise to fight against the Bolsheviks. It was also one of the main factors that gave the war a national scale.
Thus, the causes of the civil war in Russiaare reduced to the desire of the Bolshevik leadership by any means, mainly violent, to retain power and establish the dictatorship of the party, to build an updated society, following their theoretical guidelines, which inevitably led to civil war.