A set of software, technical,organizational support and personnel, which is designed to provide timely appropriate people with the information they need, is called an information system. In this article we will describe in more detail what the information system is, we will give information about some types of existing systems.

Information system

In the second article of the Law on Information,definition of IP: information system is a set of information contained in databases, and technical means and information technologies that ensure its processing.

Signs of IP:

  • Execution of one or more functions with respect to information;
  • Unity of the system, implying the existence of a common file base, common standards and protocols, unified management and other;
  • The ability to perform specified functions to create compositions and decompositions of system objects.

Basic requirements for IP:

  • Efficiency;
  • Quality of functioning: consistency with standards, accuracy, security;
  • Reliability. The system should not deny the following thresholds: information quality, access time, performance,
  • Security.

What is an automated information system

Automated information system isinterrelated collection of software, data, standards, equipment, procedures and personnel that is designed to process and collect, store, distribute and issue information and meet the requirements that arise from the objectives of the particular organization.

As a matter of fact AIS is a man-machine system onbased on the automated technology for obtaining information used to optimize the management and information management of personnel in a particular activity.

Due to the formalization of processing andcomplexity of the structuring of information automation of information procedures is difficult. The degree of automation of information processes can vary from ten to twenty percent.

What is the information retrieval system

The definition of IPS is as follows: information retrieval system is an applied computer environment designed for searching, collecting, processing, sorting, storing and filtering large-scale information arrays in a structured form.

IPS, information retrieval systems are designed to solve certain types of problems, characterized by their own set of objects and their characteristics.

IPS, information retrieval systems are divided into:

  1. Documentographic. In such information retrieval systems, the indexing of all stored documents is carried out in a special way. Each individual document is given an individual code, which makes up the search image. That is, the search will be based on search images, not on the documents themselves. Thus, they usually look for literature in large libraries. By the number indicated in the card of the catalog, they search for the necessary book.
  2. Factographic. In these information retrieval systems, facts are stored, not documents, these facts refer to any subject area. The search follows the pattern of the fact.

Information retrieval systems, IPS includes 2 parts of the database:

  • DB - the database itself;
  • DBMS is a database management system.

DB - a set of structured data that relate to a particular subject area.

DBMS is a complex of linguistic and software tools that are necessary for creating a database, maintaining them in the current state of organizing the search for the necessary information in them.

The most known are such DBMS as Microsoft Access, Dbase, FoxPro, Clipper, Paradox.

What is a corporate information system?

Any large company, besidesrapidly, sooner or later will face the problem of the systematization of information and automation processes that will participate in the processing of this information.

At the beginning of the development of the organizationthe use of standard office applications by employees, but over time, the constant growth of information volumes will set the company the task of organizing the Corporate Information System (CIS).

CIS, Corporate Information System -a scalable system that is designed for comprehensive automation of economic activities of organizations, corporations, companies that require unified management.

The introduction of CIS, Corporate Information System, will give the following results:

  • Increased resistance to external influences, flexibility and internal controllability.
  • Increase the competitiveness and efficiency of the company.
  • Reducing the cost of goods and services.
  • Decrease in stock.
  • Increase in sales of goods and services.
  • Improvement of interaction with suppliers.
  • Reduction of the terms of execution of orders.

All this will facilitate the implementation ofthe main goal of the CIS, corporate information system is to increase the profitability of the organization, thanks to the most efficient use of all company resources and to improve the quality of managerial decisions made by management.

We hope that everyone interested in the question, what is the information system, could find in this article the answer to it.

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