Many people believe that writing books is somethingthe sublime and unreachable, in a word, the lot of geniuses. But if you think about it, there is nothing super complicated about it. Let's think together that this requires and what to write a book for.

Interference when creating a book

Yes, nothing, in fact, does not interfere! In fact, a book is a description of your experience or your thoughts about something in one form or another. All of us are thinking beings and we have our own views on certain things, and therefore we can express them in written form.

Why write a book?

Such a question may arise in the person seekingbenefit. However, do not expect that your first book will bring you fame or money, it is certainly possible, but unlikely. But, at least, you can count on the fact that a certain number of people will read your book, and it may force them to think about something, and maybe, to reconsider their life. Is not this the real goal of art?

Subject of description

The main thing that it was interesting to you. If you do your work with the maximum impact, put in this soul, then such a book is sure to someone like it. You can, of course, go the other way and try to attract a specific target audience, then it's up to you.

If to speak in general, the options about what to write a book about are:

  1. Create an artistic description of the brightest moments of your life.
  2. Tell about your professional activities, give advice to beginners.
  3. To invent heroes and create something that does not directly touch you and your life experience, including a fantastic work.
  4. If you collected in your diary your most important and successful thoughts, as well as funny cases or other people's mistakes and mistakes, you can weave them into an ironic story or a collection of humorous stories.
  5. Write about your hobby, where to tell how your hobby began and how you achieved mastery.
  6. Talk about his travels and adventures, describing them in a book called "Notes of a tourist".
  7. Describe your failures and talk about how you emerge from them. Who supported you at this time, to whose advice you listened.
  8. People are always interested in three topics - life, death and love, use them in your work, they are most suitable for the novel.
  9. You can write a biography of a famous person.
  10. Another option - the creation of a psychological novel, in which you can talk about the development of character and the formation of personality, from birth to death.

If you have decided on the topic of the narrative, then you will read about how to write a book in the next article "How to write a book?".

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