Yoga is useful for the soul and body, it purifiesa person both on a physical and a spiritual level. Do you want to do yoga, but first you want to know more about what it is? Now we will tell you a little about what yoga is.

Definition of yoga

Teaching, which includes a meetingphysical and psychological exercises, is called yoga. These exercises are aimed at purifying the soul and the whole body. Such a connection is called voluntary, as a person comes into contact with himself. He works on his body, breathing and consciousness. It is also spiritual liberation from routine, from the vanity of this world. The person is reunited with the One.

First you need to get acquainted with the theory, andthen go to the practice itself. As you probably already heard, yoga came to us from India. If you translate the word "yoga", then its meaning will sound like "unity," "union," "bind." The scientists found out that the very first mention of yoga was in the Rig Veda - a book of hymns. This book is very ancient, it is part of the Vedas (religious Hindu texts).

Yoga is not only a series of simple physicalexercises. It contains a serious philosophy. This philosophy is perceived as a method of self-development, a way of knowing the world, which is the main link between the body and the soul. The temple of the soul must always be protected and try to keep it as long as possible. That is why there is yoga in our world.


One of the main questions that arises fromBeginning yogis: what does yoga provide, what are its goals and objectives? The main task of yoga is to improve one's body. There are such poses, which are called asanas. These poses are immovable, in them the person becomes detached, he is independent of his body. Such detachment is associated with spiritual stability and balance.

When a person performs asanas, he acquirespsychic and physical strength and health. He controls his emotions, controls thoughts, learns self-control and the ability to keep in balance. It is required to us in order to overcome life's difficulties, we find calmness and satisfaction with destiny. So a person improves and enhances the quality of life. After we have conducted the control of the mind, we gradually proceed to work with consciousness. We reach a state of rest, we feel unity with all nature. This is what a good yogi is.

Hatha Yoga

Let's talk more about what yoga is for. Today in all modern fitness clubs there are many types of yoga, you can choose any that you prefer. One of these varieties of yoga is hatha yoga. In general, all types of yoga come from the basic Hatha Yoga. Every pose, every asana we direct to relaxation, we learn to pass through ourselves all the energy during mediation and control our breathing. During the meditation, it is customary to speak the words of the mantra. Mantras are prayers. The main goal of hath-yoga is to achieve peace of mind. It is necessary to acquire a balance between the body, spirit and the surrounding world.

Ashtanga Yoga

One of the fastest and most dynamic options of yogais ashtanga-yoga. It's like exercise in aerobics. In yoga, all series of poses constantly pass in the same order, as well as in one rhythm of breathing. To practice ashtanga yoga you will need a good physical preparation.


Another set of elements of asanas andmeditation is yogalatess. Yogalates helps to develop flexibility, includes stretching, pilates and a system of strength exercises. If you want to practice this kind of yoga, then you can easily master it, because it does not require a lot of physical training. Also, yogalace leads the muscles into tonus.

When a person does yoga, his body and soul relax, there is a spiritual renewal. A person gets rid of depression and stress, acquires spiritual harmony.

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