Many people commenting on the situation related toriots, use the term "anarchy". We have also repeatedly heard the slogan "anarchy is the mother of order". What events, in fact, truly characterize this term and what is anarchy?

Anarchy is usually understood as the situation inhuman society, when the state power is completely absent. This confirms the translation of the word from the Greek language "anarchy - anarchy". Historical examples of such societies may be primitive existence and pirate communities.


From this term the development ofthe corresponding political ideology is anarchism. This philosophy is based on freedom and is called upon to eliminate all kinds of exploitation and coercion of one person by another, that's what anarchism is. The ideal of an anarchic society or state is the elimination of all types of power. Creating relationships based on mutual assistance, mutual benefit, brotherhood and personal interest.

In anarchism there are many internal currents,related to different views on forms of ownership, race-national issue, commodity-economic relations. But, despite this, the following basic principles of anarchism stand out:

  • The absence of any form of power implies the impossibility of totalitarianism, uniformity, standardization in society.
  • The absence of coercion by one person to another is the impossibility of using man's labor and abilities against his will.
  • The principle of the "bottom" initiative means that the structure of the society should be built from the bottom up, when freely unified groups can influence the solution of public issues and, at the same time, their personal issues.
  • Mutual assistance - in fact, the cooperation of a group of people united by a single goal and aimed at the same result
  • Diversity - the creation of a full life for each person, this principle contributes to the development of a situation with a lack of control over the individual.
  • Equality is the same access to all the benefits that society has from material to humanitarian.
  • Brotherhood - characterizes all people as equals. In this case, the requests of some can not be more valuable and meaningful than the requests of others.

Observance of all these principles and their unification into ideology explains what anarchism is.

The ideology of anarchismorigin dates back to 300 BC. and was born in ancient Greek and ancient Chinese cultures. Given its historical roots, in the modern world the strongest is the Greek anarchist organization.

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