Alexander Blok is one of the most famous andsincere Russian poets. He was able not only to admire his country, but also through his poetry to point out the problems of the state, to emphasize precisely those moments that romantics always try to hide. Analysis of the poem "Russia", first of all, I want to start with its semantic load.

Influence of Tipping Time

The unit worked at crucial times between 19 and 20centuries, when the future of our state has not yet been determined. Nevertheless, he did not lose hope for the bright future of Russia, which he writes about in his poem. An analysis of the poem of the Russia Bloc is also interesting in that it can be precisely said: Blok compares love to his Motherland with love for a woman. And the poet can only admire his country as a woman, but in no case do you regret it.

Block sees power inaction

Blok writes about the "outback", stressing that liferemains the same, and no global changes will ever affect it. There will always remain "slack ruts" and impoverished Russia. Particularly interesting line: "What you want a sorcerer ... give robbery beauty." Here, under the "sorcerer" is understood the ruler of the state, and Blok means that whoever comes to power, the result will remain the same, and no troubles will force the rulers of the country to act.

The hope for a bright future does not fade away

In the line, which says about the "instant lookfrom under the scarf, "the author has in mind the still not fading hope for a bright future, for some changes. The poem itself begins and ends with the image of a road that can be associated with the changes taking place at that time in the state. But even the changes can sometimes become pleasant, the author believes, since he says that there will be happiness, even in spite of the "deaf song of the coachman".

Size and construction of the poem

This poem is written in the form of an ordinaryiambic tetrameter. Strophes in the poem "Russia" - quatrains (quatrains), where the lines rhyme at the cross. The first and third lines rhyme with the female rhyme, and the second and fourth, respectively, the male.

Application of epithets

To achieve strong expressiveness, Blokresorted to a large number of various epithets: "painted needles," "gray huts," "windy songs," "angst," "beautiful features," "distance road," etc. In addition to epithets, the poem in large numbers contains colorful comparisons, which are created by the author on the basis of oxymorons, that is, on the basis of phrases that consist of the unity of opposites. For example, the phrase "The road is long is easy" is in this poem an oxymoron, since a long journey can never be easy.

To analyze the poem "Russia" quitenot easy. "Russia" is one of the most heartfelt poems by Blok, it is filled with light sadness about the destiny of the people. In his poetry, the author looks sadly at the poverty and misery of his beloved country, unable to do anything, and he can only hope for the best.

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