It is impossible to imagine a Russian person,who would never have heard these lines. An analysis of Pushkin's poem "I Remember a Wonderful Moment" was performed by many well-known literary scholars-Pushkinists. We will also contribute to this process.

History of the poem

The poem is written in memory of the passionate,stormy, but brief novel between the poet and Anna Kern, which happened to them in the summer of 1825. Subsequently, Anna handed over the text of the poem to Delvig, who published it in the Northern Flowers. It's amazing how in a small work Pushkin managed to show the development and change of his feelings for a woman for several years!

Anna recalled that she had found a sheet withpoem between the pages of the volume "Onegin". Handing the book, the author, she claims, was suddenly embarrassed and tried to pick up the text. Some literary critics saw in this impulse the confirmation of the poet's passionate feelings, others assumed that Pushkin devoted a poem to a certain woman, rather than to a certain collective image, because he truly loved only the muse.

The third group of Pushkinists came to the conclusion that,departing at that time from romanticism, the poet tried to find new, simpler colors to express feelings, was in search of more realistic ways of his creative expression. To implement such, still rather vague ideas in the field of love poetry was not easy, and therefore Pushkin had to quote the elegiac lines of Zhukovsky about the "genius of pure beauty", being careful not to be misunderstood.

Analysis of the poem

The poetic size of the work is a five-legged iambic with a cross rhyme. In the poem - a clear rhythm and musicality of the composition.

The poem is arranged in a three-part form:

  • Lovely memory of the former love;
  • The sadness of years past without love;
  • A hymn of love that returns in spite of everything from the depths of past years.

Each part is distinguished by strong experienceslyrical hero, his tired soul is gaining new strength, draws inspiration, prepares for new creative victories. According to the creative impulse, passion, the pressure of the feelings "I remember a wonderful moment" does not find itself equal in Russian poetry.

Analysis of the poem "I remember a wonderful moment"pushes the question: why is Pushkin's masterpiece so close to the heart of a Russian person? The secret is found in the selection of words: most of them are abstract concepts that activate fantasy and individual associations in the listener (reader).

So the collective image is formedideal woman. The portrait of the beloved is not conveyed by specific details of clothing, figures or facial features, but abstract concepts. This is life, love, tears, deity, inspiration. Together they form an image that is certainly beautiful, but individual for everyone! Although for the author it is not so much about a specific beloved as about the emotional state of the lyric hero. Thanks to his love, he admires life and enjoys creativity. This feature allows us to refer the poem to the category of philosophical and psychological lyrics.

Concluding the analysis of the poem "I remember the wonderfulmoment ", we are convinced that love, which is for Pushkin the source of inspiration and the meaning of life, in the case of Anna Kern turns into a powerful source of new life and creative forces, for the time being dozed in Mikhailovsky's silence.

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