Reactions between various chemicalsand elements are one of the main subjects of study in chemistry. To understand how to formulate the equation of the reaction and use them for their own purposes, it is necessary to have a sufficiently deep understanding of all the regularities in the interaction of substances, as well as processes with chemical reactions.

Formulation of equations

One way of expressing a chemical reactionis a chemical equation. It records the formula of the original substance and product, the coefficients that show how many molecules each substance has. All known chemical reactions are divided into four types: substitution, compound, exchange and decomposition. Among them are: redox, exogenous, ionic, reversible, irreversible, etc.

Read more about how to make equations of chemical reactions:

  1. It is necessary to determine the name of the substances,interacting with each other in the reaction. Write them on the left side of our equation. As an example, consider the chemical reaction that formed between sulfuric acid and aluminum. The reagents are on the left: H2SO4 + Al. Next, we write the equal sign. In chemistry, you can meet the sign "arrow", which points to the right, or the oppositely directed two arrows, they mean "reversibility". The result of the interaction of metal and acid is salt and hydrogen. The products obtained after the reaction should be written down after the "equal" sign, that is, on the right. H2SO4 + Al = H2 + Al2 (SO4) 3. So, we have a diagram of the reaction.
  2. To compose a chemical equationit is necessary to find the coefficients. Let's return to the previous scheme. Let's look at the left part of it. The sulfuric acid contains hydrogen, oxygen and sulfur atoms, in an approximate ratio of 2: 4: 1. On the right side there are 3 sulfur atoms and 12 oxygen atoms in the salt. Two hydrogen atoms are contained in the gas molecule. On the left side, the ratio of these elements is 2: 3: 12
  3. To equalize the number of oxygen atoms andsulfur, which in the sulphate of aluminum (III), it is necessary to put the coefficient 3 in front of the acid in front of the equation. Now we have 6 hydrogen atoms on the left side. In order to equalize the number of elements of hydrogen, it is necessary to put 3 before hydrogen in the right side of the equation.
  4. Now it remains only to equalize the amount of aluminum. Since the salt contains two metal atoms, we set the coefficient 2 on the left side in front of the aluminum. As a result, we obtain the reaction equation for this scheme: 2Al + 3H2SO4 = Al2 (SO4) 3 + 3H2

Having understood the basic principles of how to formulate the equation for the reaction of chemical substances, it will not be very difficult later to write down any reaction, even the most exotic, from the point of view of chemistry.

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