Before checking the unstressed vowel in the rootmake sure that it is in the root of the word, because if a vowel refers to a suffix or, for example, to a prefix, then it will have to be checked in an entirely different way. There are several ways to check unstressed vowels at the root.

Rules for certain roots

First, it is worth checking whether the root belongs toverified word to the group of roots with alternating vowels: ber-bir, -der-dir, -blast-glist, -gar-mountains, -rzor, -zheg-zhig, -clan clone, -cas-braid, -lag -mouse-world-mak-mok, -flav-pilaf, -per-feast, -rest-rush-grow, -equal, -as a scoop, -ter-shooting-creature-creature, -on-cheat. If among the listed there is a root you need, then you should act like this.

In such roots: glitter-shine, ter-tir, ber-bir, per-pir, der-dir, mer-world, zhig-zhig, chet-chit - the letter "and" is written in the case if the root is followed by a suffix -a-. Example: paillette - shines.

In the roots of the har-mountains, the zarzor, the floating-pilaf, if there is an emphasis, it is written "a", if not, "o". For example, sunburn - tan. Exception words: swimmer, swimmer.

In the roots: der-dir, glitter-blist, zheg-zhig, ber-bir, ter-tir, mer-world and even-chit the letter "and" is written only if the suffix -aa stands after the root. For example: I am ripping off a buck. Words-exceptions: combine, combination.

If the root is -n-, then the letter "o" is written in the root of the -cas- (-cos-). For example, touch - touch.

The letter "a" is written in the root - mak - (- mok-) in thatcase, if you mean the action performed with the liquid (dunk, for example). If the action is gradual, the letter "o" (water) is used in the root.

If among the listed roots there is not one that you need, then you need to follow further instructions how to check the writing of unstressed vowels in the root.

Choose the root word

To learn how to check spellingunstressed vowels in the root (this method can, incidentally, be used to check the vowels in other parts of the word), you can use one very easy technique - selecting a single root word. For example: check-check. It is necessary to choose a one-root verifying word in which the verified vowel will be under stress and, therefore, will be well audible.

If the verified single-root word contains a letter"E", then in the right word you put the letter "e". A vowelless vowel can also be checked at the root, picking up a slightly different form of the word you need. For example: reconcile - the world. If this method does not suit you, then look the next one.

We search in the dictionary

If in the verified root an unstressed vowelcan not be checked by any of the above methods, then you need to use the spelling dictionary. Well, in general, to check the required letters can be useful absolutely any dictionary of the Russian language.

In addition, many of the words that come to us from other languages ​​can be checked using the dictionary of this language. For example, the French kapjushon in Russian will be written like: a hood.

Following all these simple rules, you can easilyand correctly write the right word. A little practice, and all these simple rules will be "included" in the head automatically. Read more literature, so that the correct word forms remain in your head, then your literacy will become automatic.

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