What is the difference between a group and a group of people? What is a group of people in general? The fact is that in the ordinary group can include various plants, non-living objects, phenomena, substances, and even animals. All of them will be united according to some similar sign. But a group of people can consist only of people, forming different communities. It can not include something or someone other than a living person.

Societies are made up of groups, and groups, in their ownturn, consist of people. Societies, groups, as well as individuals are closely related. The specialization of each group determines the interests of people who enter it. Groups can be divided into: temporary, random, permanent and single. Some of them are designed for long-term existence, for example, enterprises, villages, schools. These groups are not going to disappear, and intend to continue their life. Others are given very short lives. Groups can be both free and compulsory. Social relations in formal groups have an impersonal character. In the informal - social relations are carried out in roles, the basis for which is the internal environment and sympathies: friends, friends. Family - the primary (limited) group for a person, it is its basis. Here goes the process of bodybuilding. In secondary groups, relations are formalized and more people are included in them.

Classification of groups

Social psychology classifies groups byvarious factors. The time of the group's existence, the principles of its formation and the possibility of membership in it, the type of structure, the level of cultural development, the functions and tasks of the group, the level of interpersonal relations, as well as the prevailing type of contacts of this group are taken into account. Conventionally, the groups are divided into laboratory and natural, large and small, real and conditional.

And what is a small group, you ask?

A small group is considered to be a group of people,the number of which is from a couple of people to several dozen. However, in the case when there are more than twenty people in the group, it is extremely difficult to call it small. The reason for this is a reduction in the personal and mediocre interaction of the members of the group. But it is this interaction that forms the norms of behavior and group values.

As a rule, small groups exist veryFor a long time, members meet more or less regularly, often in the usual place. The group continues its existence regardless of the arrivals or departures of its individual participants.

Small groups can also be divided into twovariety. The first type is formed groups, in which external social standards are already set, but there is still no joint cohesive activity. The second - collectives, groups with a higher level of development, which are connected by special kinds of social activity. It is worth noting that small groups are often combined into large communities, and also occurs in nature.

In general, when it comes to a group, we immediately have an idea: a blood group. Nevertheless, what is a blood group, and what are its characteristics, is not known to everyone.

Blood type

This concept has been introduced in medicine for a long time. It is often correlated with a group of health. What is the health group we will not tell. Too this is a vast topic. But about the blood group we will tell. The blood group is the result of the fitness of our ancestors to unstable weather conditions. Just like fingerprints, the blood group of a person is unchanged throughout his life. Blood type is peculiar, transmitted genetically from parents to children, identifier of personality. Moreover, this identifier is older than the human race. And the main distinguishing feature of the people of our planet is hidden not in ethnic origin, but in the composition of human blood.

The cells of our body contain, so-called,agglutinogens are large-molecular substances of protein origin, which are concentrated mainly on the surface of blood cells. In the blood serum, there are also agglutinins - special proteins related to gamma globulins. The blood of all people is divided into four groups: I, II. III, IV. Each of the groups is characterized by the main combinations of agglutinins and agglutinogens in the blood. Blood is widely used for medicinal purposes around the world and requires strict adherence to the rules of transfusion: a test for compatibility and the definition of the blood group itself.

Now you know what a group is, what its types are, and what a blood group is and what its characteristics are.

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