As a rule, about who fell the apple, wewe learn in school at the physics class when we study the law of universal gravitation. Of course, this is Isaac Newton - a famous English scientist, mathematician and physicist who lived in the 18th century. Legend has it that Newton was resting in the garden when an apple fell on his head - and he was immediately illuminated by the idea of ​​the law of gravity. Where did this legend come from, and how was it really?

It turns out to find out whether the trutha bike about Newton and an apple, many scientists and historians tried. And that's what they found out: the story of the apple is in the memoirs of William Sekley - Newton's friend. He writes about how in 1725 he was visiting Sir Newton, they drank tea in the garden, in the shade of apple trees. It was then that Newton told him that the idea of ​​gravity visited him at this very place, where the scientist was meditating and was caused by the fall of the apple. This led Newton to the idea that, obviously, the earth attracts all objects to itself. That is, Newton just saw the falling apple. Whether it was so or not, the story changed, went to the people, and the expression "Newton apple" appeared, that is, the case that prompted a person to discover or invent.

Of course, not everyone who has seen an apple fall,or who fell an apple on his head in fact, can make a discovery of world significance. For this, one must become a great scientist, a very observant and hardworking person, and devote his entire life to the service of science. This is exactly what Sir Isaac Newton was-thank him for that.

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