Not everyone can paint beautifully by nature, however,if desired, everything can be learned, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. To draw, for example, an apple, to possess some phenomenal abilities is not necessary. How to draw an apple? All that is required for this is your desire, a little time and patience. Your apple does not have to be perfect, it can be anything, the main thing is that you draw it yourself.

How to draw an apple in stages

  • Take the apple and study it well. Examine all the cavities, bends and bumps.
  • Place the apple on a flat, hard surface andpoint the light at it. For these purposes, an ordinary lamp perfectly fits. The mini-studio is ready. Now you need to draw an apple with a pencil.
  • Small, barely noticeable lines, startdraw out the contours of the apple. You do not need to put too much pressure on the pencil. Begin drawing from the top of the apple, dropping down gradually. When outlining the outline, do not forget to look carefully at the apple, take into account all the concavities and bulges.
  • After the contour is completed, you need to return to the starting point from which the picture was started, and proceed to the second step.
  • At the top of the apple, with light strokes, markstalk. You should also indicate the surrounding cavity. To do this, draw a semicircle under the stalk. To make an apple bulky, you need to add a few inclined lines on the other side of the hollow.
  • Shade the apple. The shots need to be held in one direction, so that they are parallel to the outline of the apple itself. The strokes need to be made long, but easy. It is necessary to start the shading from the shady side of the apple, gradually turning to an increasingly lighter tone. Do not cross-shade only that part of the apple that the light falls on.
  • Next you need to shade the surface nearhollows. For this, it is necessary to impose semicircular stitches under the stalk. The strokes need to express the shape of the apple as clearly as possible. And remember that the volume is given to the apple by the shading.
  • The other side of the apple, which is in the shade,you need to darken it. To make the transition from shadow to light smoother, you can use a piece of paper or a finger. Just rub them the transition points in the figure. And to make an apple glare, just erase a couple of strokes with an elastic band.
  • Now it remains only to designate the shadow from the apple. To do this, you need to shade it in a tone that is slightly lighter than the apple itself.

The drawing is ready!

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