How to write scientific articles?
Writing scientific articles is not easy work. In addition to the fact that it is necessary to convey the results of your research to readers in the most understandable form (and this is not easy at all), it is still necessary to observe certain rules for writing articles provided by the Ministry of Education and Science. Information on what an article is, how to write a scientific article, how to properly format it, can be found in the guidelines and in this article below.
What is a scientific article
Scientific article is a decoratedthe result of work on the topic under study. In the article the author should present a brief report on the work done, on whether the study has reached the goal, which hypotheses were confirmed, and which ones were disproved, what conclusions and forecasts were made.
Scientific articles are of two kinds: theoretical and empirical. If theoretical articles involve research using analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, modeling, and other theoretical methods of research, empirical articles, along with theoretical methods of research, use other methods, such as experimentation, observation, expert evaluation and experimentation.
Stylistics scientific article
In order to understand how to write a scientificarticle, you need to follow some unspoken rules. First of all, a scientific article should not be written in an ordinary language, it is necessary to preserve the scientific style of writing an article. And it, first of all, objectivity, and also logic and accuracy of the stated material.
It is very important in the scientific article not to lose the semantic connection of its sections and to compare goals and objectives to the results of the research. It is also important to remember that a scientific article does not tolerate personal evaluations.
Structure of the article
Presenting the results of their work, it is importantadhere to a structure that was strongly recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science. Before starting work, it is important to review the requirements to know how to write a scientific article correctly.
- Each article should start with a title, a short sentence, from which you can find out the essence of the presented research.
- Further it is necessary to present the abstracts of articles ontwo languages - Russian, for Russian-speaking citizens, and English - for foreigners wishing to read the article. The abstract contains the main points of the research, from which it is possible to draw a preliminary conclusion about the scientific work carried out.
- The structure of the article provides a listkeywords that make up the article. Important in the article is the correct use of terminology. It is undesirable to use too often foreign language terms, as well as double-digit terms. Also the article should not be oversaturated with terms, it's hard for perception.
- The main text is the next paragraph of the structure of the article. This is the most important part of the article, to which the most direct attention is directed. The most important thing that should be in a scientific article is the novelty and perspective of the issue under study. The article should tell what kind of contribution the author makes to science, why this issue needed to be investigated.
The main text of the article should begin withthe definition of the object and the subject, which the author investigates, further the goal of the investigation and its tasks are formed, which in the conclusions must be confirmed or refuted.
Also, the article should briefly talk aboutresearchers of this issue in history (if any), as well as presenting contemporary scholars who are exploring this or a related section.
- In order to write a scientific article it is necessaryto know not only how the scientific article is written, i.e. its main text, but also how to correctly place the links. References to the works that the author uses in his text are made in the form of information entered in an appropriate manner, containing the sequence number and source page in the list of used literature. Links are placed at the end of the quotation, to which the author refers, numeric information is given in square brackets.
- The main text of the article can be illustrated by tables, graphs, diagrams and other applications.
- The article ends with conclusions about the work done, where the hypotheses are confirmed or disproved, and the result of the study is summarized.
- The list of literature is a list of thosesources, to which the author refers in the text of his article. The list of literature is compiled in alphabetical order, which can be ordered in two ways: by source names, and by name of the authors of these works.
- The article concludes with a brief information about the author,which contains personal information: telephone number and e-mail of the author, his academic degree, rank, place of work and position, as well as information about the author's specialty code.
- Often the author, who does not yet have a scientific degree, requires a review from the supervisor (if it is a student or a graduate student).
It is also important to know the code of the UDC of the article, whichis published before the title of the article. The UDC code is provided by the author. Upon completion of work on the article, you can check it for plagiarism, in order to avoid bad reviews about the work. Test programs are easy to find on the Internet.
Rules of registration of scientific articles
But also information on how to write a scientific article,is not enough. It is also necessary to present the article correctly in an electronic version. For this purpose, the Higher Attestation Commission provided for the requirements for the design of scientific articles. The paper format for writing a scientific article is A4, the margins are 2.5 cm from all sides. The font is Times New Roman, the size is 14. The line spacing is 1.5. The volume of the article must be at least 7 pages, but not more than 13-15.