So, you decided to become a writer or just want to write an interesting story and share it with people? Do not know how to write a story?

Writing is an art, and anyonecan try himself in it. Every writer seeks recognition, but not all of them are given. Why is that? It's possible that the words are lying ugly on paper, perhaps you chose the wrong topic. There are a lot of nuances in writing, but this should not stop you.

How to write a good story

First, you need to decide on the audience. When a novice writer creates his first creation, he naturally wants the story to appeal to the readers, absolutely everyone, and this is wrong, everyone can not be pleased. Readers are a special people, numerous, heterogeneous. That is why the fate of your story depends largely on the choice of the audience. And here there is a small trick - write for yourself. This, of course, is selfish, but rightly - it is unlikely that you will be able to write a story in a popular genre well, if you are not interested in it. But if you want commercial success, do not follow this advice. In this case, you will have to write in the context of tough competition, stamp the popular stories to satisfy the masses.

Secondly, do not sit down at once to write, if you havethere was a storyline for the story, "nurture" the idea for a couple of days, consider the style, the characters, come up with several conflicts to make the story more emotional, collect material for the story. Material can not be much, even if most of it is not included in the story. A story without a story is not a story, it's just a bunch of words gathered in one place. It will be very difficult to create something new, previous generations of writers have left indelible marks, and now we can only follow in their footsteps. In any case, in your story there must be intrigue, without it the reader will fall asleep behind the book. The earlier you put it in the story, the better, the more likely that you hook the reader. The reader must be in constant tension, in anticipation of new actions and events. In the text of the story there should be nothing accidental, every word should work on the general idea of ​​the story. Pay special attention to the details. The details are very important, they place emphasis both in the situation and in the description of the characters. The main thing is to properly arrange these details, so that one pulls the other. And the highlight of any story is understatement. Fill your story with riddles-traps, which draw further on the text, or symbols that allow the reader to complete the picture himself. Let him think about your story, even when he finished his reading, let him reflect on the fate of the heroes before going to sleep, transfers the events from the work to his life. If all this you will succeed, then from the fans of your creativity there will be no release.

Thirdly, you need to develop a style. Even if you have an unrivaled story, but you do not know how to write beautifully, no one will read the story, they will close immediately after the first lines, well, maybe, a paragraph. To write stylishly is a talent, and if you do not have it, then it will be practically impossible to learn. To write it is necessary so that each paragraph insisted on the further reading that it was impossible to tear yourself away from your work, so to speak, so that you read it in a hearty way.

How to write a story correctly

How to write a story plan? You can use the generally accepted plan in the literature:

  1. The introduction tells the reader about the place of action, introduces the characters.
  2. String, an event, because of which the action of the story actually occurs.
  3. The development of action, a description of how the event developed, what and how the heroes did in the process.
  4. The culmination is the highest moment of tension in the text, followed by a denouement that tells about what the actions or inaction of the characters led to.
  5. The conclusion tells the reader what happened to the characters after the end of the action.

After the story is written by you,be sure to re-read it - it can undergo many changes, perhaps you will find it necessary to clean something, add paint somewhere, etc. Give to others, listen to criticism. If you want to publish, you will have to poke a lot over your creation. Communication with editors is very useful, you can learn from it a lot of new and interesting. The main thing - to be patient, because these people will allow you to find readers, and hence, fame.

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