Cleanliness, freshness in a dwelling - the main onecomponent of comfort. However, maintaining order daily is not a simple matter, but it takes a long time to clean it, it distracts from the joy of communicating with loved ones. Instead of constantly rubbing, sweeping, washing, you can now enjoy your favorite thing, you need to find it on the Internet Shop robots and choose the right model.

A vacuum cleaner

The best world producers offer their owna line of automatic cleaners that will clean up, recharge the battery, empty the container with garbage. A lot of shops on the Internet offer a robotic technique, the functions of which are to perform cleaning quickly, effectively, without irritating the surrounding people with noise.

Each vacuum cleaner is designed for its type of cleaning, it is:

  • Washing robot vacuum cleaner company iRobot from the series "Scooba";
  • Automatic cleaner of the same company of the "Roomba" series;
  • Multifunctional flooring called "Braava";
  • Autonomous pool cleaner series "Mirra" and others.

Online robot store, except for harvestingtechnology realizes replacement parts for it. In a large range of here you can find side brushes of all kinds of design, replaceable filters, spare batteries.

a vacuum cleaner
Prices for similar equipment vary, moreadvanced models are naturally more expensive, they perform cleaning on their own, in automatic mode, having completed the user-selected work cycle, the device itself becomes recharged to continue working.

Roomba compact and maneuverable robot cleanerqualitatively cleans any kind of flooring, regardless of what it is carpeting, parquet, linoleum, tile. The Scooba washing robot carefully cares for moisture-resistant surfaces with a microfiber nozzle. In the end, pay attention to the universal polisher of iRobot Braava, it will finish the business started by the previous models, to the logical conclusion, the floor will become not only clean, but will be brought to shine.

Innovative robot of the American company"IRobot" with the help of a special sensor is able to detect any obstacles, not to get tangled in wires, fringes. On one battery charge, it will clean up from 45 to 90 square meters of surfaces. If you additionally buy special beacons, you can almost double the working area of ​​cleaning, it will be up to 180 -190 square meters. Charging the batteries usually takes two to three hours. The vacuum cleaner is not difficult to program, it is extremely simple to operate.

What should I look for when buying a robot vacuum cleaner?

  • Know exactly the area of ​​the room where it will beclean up. If it is up to 50 square meters. m, you can do with a cheaper robot with a chaotic movement, if the area is up to 80 square meters. meters, do not spare money for the device with the construction of the map of the room.
  • Measure the height of the carpet, interior thresholds. It is important to know that the mobility of such a vacuum cleaner is limited by obstacles, thresholds, height differences.
  • Learn additional features of the device: the base with a container for unloading garbage; UV lamp for disinfection; Special brushes for high-quality cleaning of pet hair.
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