The word "plate" has many meanings, itit is also used in construction, and in everyday life, and in geology, as well as in some other areas. Let's see what a plate is in all meanings of the word.

Building Plate

Building boards are made from variousmaterials and, depending on the material from which they are made, serve for different purposes. The reinforced concrete slab is made of concrete and steel and is used, for example, to erect building slabs. But wood-based or gypsum board, of course, is used for interior decoration.

Plate in geology

The term "slab" in geology refers to a siteEarth crust within the platform, which is covered with a so-called platform cover. A slab is an opposition to a shield and an array - sections of platforms that do not have a platform cover.

Kitchen stove

A cooker is a heating appliance,which is used for cooking. Today kitchen plates are divided into gas, electric, induction and solid fuel. This characteristic, as you guessed it, is assigned depending on what energy is used for heating.

Tips for selecting plates you can find in the articles:

  • Which slabs are better
  • How to choose a plate

Trim plate

The phrase "calibration plate" is usedfor the designation of an exemplary flat surface, used, for example, in plumbing. The calibration plate can be made of various materials - metal, stone, plastic, etc.

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