This device is widely used invarious engines of the most diverse mechanisms used in many branches of the national economy and for personal purposes. Although, we must pay tribute, in cars from the end of the last century, carburetor systems are increasingly being replaced by injector systems. About what carburetor is and how it works, we will tell in our article.


In Russian, "carburation" means "mixing." This is the basis for the carburettor action. The liquid fuel mixes with air, forming an air-fuel mixture for the successful operation of an internal combustion engine. Here, the quantity and quality of the composition is regulated. In principle, any device of this nature can be called a carburetor.

Car Float

This is the most common constructioncarburetor, well known to the owners of the "classics" of VAZ, "Volga", "Tavria". It consists of a throttle, a diffuser, a jet, a sprayer, a float chamber (or several), where the main role is played by a float and a locking needle.

Operating principle

From the fuel tank, the fuel enters the floatcamera, then into the atomizer through the jet. At the same time, air enters the chamber through a special tube. With the help of diffusers and throttle valves, portions of the incoming fuel are regulated. The float and the locking needle open and close the fuel supply, maintaining its constant level. Because of pressure differences, fuel flows out, mixing it with air. Further, the fuel enters the engine.


Carburettors are divided into severalsigns: the flow direction of the air-fuel mixture (horizontal and vertical), the number of chambers (single-chamber and multi-chamber), the type of ventilation of the chambers (unbalanced and balanced), and the adjustment of the cross section of the spraying device.

More about the carburetor read in the articles:

  • What the carburettor does
  • Where is the carburetor
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