Is it possible for a normal car owner to adjust the carburettor? How to adjust the carburetor, not referring to the mechanic? It turns out that this is not so difficult.

Adjustment is carried out with a working fuelsystem, the correct gap on the contacts of the breaker, precisely exposed ignition and serviceable candles. The idle speed of the engine is regulated by two screws: quantity and quality.

How to properly adjust the carburetor

Warm up the engine to 80 ° C and fully openair damper in the carburetor. Wrap the quality screw to the fault, then turn it 2-2.5 turns. Screw the quantity by 1.5-2 turns from the position when it turns the lever on the throttle axis. Regardless of the position of the quality screw, twist it, thereby increasing the minimum engine speed. Rotating in one or the other side of the quality screw you need to achieve maximum speed, the throttle position does not change. Then, rotating the thrust screw of the throttle, reinstall the minimum, but steady speed. Repeating these manipulations two or three times, you will find the optimal position of the screws, which will ensure the required quality and quantity of the mixture, and hence the economical operation of your engine.

Check the accuracy of the adjustment by sharpopening and closing the throttle. Continuation of normal operation of the engine will confirm the correct adjustment. In the event of a malfunction in its operation, carefully turn the quality screw all the way to the stop, having broken the stopper, and achieve the necessary minimum speed using the quantity screw, as described above. Later install a new blank. Correctly adjusted idling system should provide the speed, provided by the factory instruction.

The article gives general recommendations. If you are interested in how to adjust the carburetor on VAZ, then, following the link, you will receive instructions on how to adjust such popular VAZ carburetors as Solex and Ozone.

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