Few know about the existence of such a device,as a tachograph. Those who are just beginning to engage in passenger and freight commercial traffic, first of all, worried about the question of whether a tachograph is needed and what penalty is provided for its absence. The fact is that the installation of such a device is not cheap. In addition, a lot of time takes away the process of installing it and getting a special card on which the results of its work are recorded.

Until recently, the installation was optional. What is the situation now?

What is a tachograph?

The tachograph is a control instrument, the main objectives of which are:

  • ensuring permanent autonomous control over the movement of commercial vehicles;
  • ensuring objective control over the actions of the driver: the data of such a device can not be forged;
  • punishment for violation, fixed by the tachograph, is inevitable and uniform for all drivers.

If briefly, this device is installed on thecar to ensure that drivers do not recycle. The fact is that as fatigue accumulates, concentration of attention decreases. Drivers-truckers often even fall asleep at the wheel. This is very dangerous, since it can lead to emergencies and in this case the damage will not only be received by the driver himself, but also by his passengers or other road users.

This device is manufactured according to international standards. Its interface is international - instead of literal and verbal designations, it uses pictograms.

Each device is equipped with a speciala card that is issued to each driver individually. This card records all the data on the movement of the vehicle in the mode of work and rest of the driver. These cards are issued by service centers authorized to carry out these works by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Who should install the tachograph?

At the moment, tachographs are required to installall owners of motor vehicles of categories M2, M3, N2 and N3, carrying out commercial activities. If it is a question of regular flights, it is not necessary to install such a device.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of December 14, 2011 No. 319, each owner is obliged:

  • contact the service center;
  • install a tachograph;
  • activate the device with a card;
  • Check the accuracy of the device;
  • subject the device to sealing, in order to prevent the possibility of unauthorized intrusion of the device.

All these measures are designed to increase securitytransportation of passengers and cargo, to increase the safety of life and health of passengers during transportation, as well as to strengthen control over compliance with the normal mode of operation of drivers.


Availability and correct operation of tachographscontrol the employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate. The absence of a tachograph is an administrative violation. If your vehicle does not have a tachograph installed, if it does not work or is broken, or if the driver found a violation of the working and rest regime, you face a fine of between one and three thousand rubles. The same punishment applies to drivers who do not have a card in the device. In this case, officials in such cases face a fine of between 5,000 and 10,000 rubles.

Read also the article How to behave with the traffic police.

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