When traveling by car, at the entrance to Belarus, you do notmeet the border guards. But traveling by plane, you will need to show your passport, but not necessarily overseas. At the same time, you do not need to fill out an immigration card. If you are going to go by train, you will need your passport only when buying a return ticket.

Those who travel with children under the age of 14 (they do not yet have passports) must have a certificate (metric) on the birth of the child, with a note on the citizenship of Russia.

Without registration it is possible to stay formonth (30 days). For two months of the subsequent stay registration is required with payment of the state duty. In total, for half a year, you can officially reside in the Republic of Bashkortostan for 90 days, further residence is separately regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Let us generalize our knowledge about the question: is it necessary to have a passport to Belarus - it is not necessary. An exception would be the Kaliningrad region (transit through Lithuania or Poland) to Belarus.

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