Although drivers use today's maintenance-freebatteries, measure the electrolyte level in the battery, or its density, will never be superfluous. To do this, arm the glass tube with an internal diameter of 3-5 mm, and acquire a hydrometer.

Measure the level

To measure the electrolyte level inbattery, it is necessary to break the packing tape, if it is preserved. Twisting the plugs from each can allows access to the electrolyte. The glass tube is immersed in the electrolyte until the separator itself, one of its ends is closed, and then we remove the tube. So it is necessary to do with each bank of the battery, accordingly, each time it is necessary to pay attention to the level of electrolyte that remains in the tube. These indicators should not be below 10mm.

Measure the density

If the indicators are below the permissible norm,top up the electrolyte. But that is not all. Electrolyte can have different densities, and do not fill in the battery. Therefore, you need to use a hydrometer and determine the density of electrolyte in each bank of the battery. The spread should not exceed 0.01.

For the southern regions of Russia, it is normaldensity, if it is not lower than 1.25 units, and for the northern, where the frost is stronger, and the summer is cooler - 1.29. Inhabitants of the central strip can take the average arithmetic mean value - 1.27 units.

Depending on the hydrometer readings, we addelectrolyte. For example, the density value is at the level of 1.18 units, and the battery is operated in the middle zone of Russia. It will be enough to take an electrolyte of density 1.29, and add it to the jar until the desired density is obtained.

Top up the electrolyte

In order for the electrolyte level inaccumulator to bring to norm, and to keep the necessary density, first, with the help of a pear we select from the bank a working electrolyte of density less. Then we fill the jar with fresh electrolyte in a volume equal to half the volume of the seized. After that, we check the density with a hydrometer.

If the value is insufficient, refill the fresh one againelectrolyte in the amount of a quarter withdrawn from the can. If the value is normalized, add a normal electrolyte with a density of 1.27. You can prepare it yourself, mixing fresh and working electrolyte.

The algorithm for adding a fresh electrolyte is simple: at each subsequent step, reduce its quantity by half so as not to get too dense solution. If this happens for some reason, it is advisable to have distilled water at hand to correct the situation. In addition to distilled, no other water in the battery can not be refilled to prevent the closure of the plates. After all, again check how much electrolyte in the battery.

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