Any car owner starts sooner or laterto worry about matters related to his car. One of them is how to pass a technical check-up. Today we will touch on this topic a little and talk about what is needed to pass the inspection.

Rules for passing the inspection

  • The car owner or the person to whom he has entrusted to pass the inspection for himself, can choose the operator of the vehicle inspection themselves. The choice is absolutely independent of the place where the car was registered.
  • How to pass the first inspection? For this you must present 2 receipts for payment (the first for diagnostics, the second for the fee); emergency stop sign (GOST 2001), fire extinguisher (2 liters), first-aid kit. The car itself should be clean, everything in it should work, the numbers should be readable.
  • Technical inspection is carried out on a fee basis. The amount of payment depends on the number of works performed, the maximum amount of payment is established and regulated at the federal level.
  • If for the first time on a vehicle inspectionfailure of the car or its non-compliance with safety requirements, the vehicle is sent for a second inspection no later than 20 days. Re-inspection is also for a fee. If the same maintenance is carried out by the same operator, then the payment is made for new work, that is, for verifying that the last time it did not comply with the standards. If the inspection is carried out by the same operator, but after a 20-day period, or the new operator, the payment for the inspection is made anew and completely, and the maintenance procedure is carried out from start to finish.

Documents required for passing the inspection

  1. A document that certifies the identity (passport;identification in the event of the restoration of the passport; military ticket - for military personnel; accreditation cards and an identity card marked ATS - for foreigners).
  2. Driver's license. For a citizen of the Russian Federation - a valid driving license; for a foreign citizen - an international driver's license or an international certificate that meets the standards of the Russian Federation.
  3. A document confirming the right of ownership. If the vehicle is inspected by the car owner, then a document is required that confirms the right of possession of this vehicle. If the TO passes by proxy, then the person must present a power of attorney.
  4. Transport coupon and certificate of registration.
  5. Documents that confirm the payment of the transport tax. It is imperative that the tax payment date be earlier than the application submission date.
  6. If there is advertising on the car, then in addition toThe above person must produce a contract with the advertiser who will confirm the permission to distribute the advertisement. If the car is equipped with tele-radio signals or signaling, you must show the right to use them. If there is no permit for equipping the machine with additional sound and light devices that are not specified in the technical documents, the vehicle is not allowed to pass the maintenance.

Such a package of documents was adopted in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. One of the amendments was the refusal to obligatorily present the car owner's policy of compulsory motor TPL insurance and a medical certificate.

Let's sum up. What do you need to pass the inspection? This is a complete package of documents + receipts for necessary payments, cleanliness and serviceability of the entire car, the presence of a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and an emergency stop sign.

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