Safety on the roadway depends not only onfrom the knowledge of traffic rules, but also from the technical condition of the vehicle of movement. Each vehicle registered in the territory of the Russian Federation is subject to compulsory passage of the TO in accordance with the law.

Let's talk in more detail about the procedure for the maintenance and what is done on the first maintenance.

Who conducts MOT?

Until 2013, the TO procedure was carried out by the traffic police, but today the services of private organizations are in great demand. The owner of the car himself chooses the operator of the vehicle inspection.

For TO, there is a newly created electronic registration via the Internet in order to save time and nerves in the queues.

About the timing of the maintenance

If you own a new car, then in the firstthree years of its operation, you are exempt from passing the MOT, in subsequent years you will need to undergo an inspection every two years. If the period of using your car is more than 7 years, the maintenance is carried out annually. For specialized buses, such as, for example, a fixed-route taxi, and for passenger taxis, the inspection period is every six months.

Preparation for maintenance

  • Before the first maintenance of your car, be sure to collect and pay all the receipts you have for fines.
  • Do not forget to bring your passport with you.
  • The presence of an emergency sign, first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher in the trunk are mandatory!
  • Take care of the appearance of your car, check if the oil or brake fluid leaks, the headlights and the lights of the turn signals.

Without fail, the first checklist will check the brakes, the sound signal, the total steering play, the near and the high beam, the front and rear wipers, and so on.

What regulates THAT?

Inspection in Russia is paid for, and the amount dependsof the number of work performed. If after MOT-1, any malfunctions or non-compliance with safety requirements have been identified, the owner is obliged to undergo a second technical inspection no later than 20 calendar days.

The maintenance procedure involves checking compliancetechnical condition of the vehicle to the requirements of GOST and the relevant standards. The motor and brake systems, the condition of the tires and wheels of the car, the suspension, the frame, the lights, the safety of the seat belts and the availability of the special vehicle (first-aid kit, license plate), mentioned above, are subject to inspection.

The positive state of the machine that meets the requirements, provides not only the passage of maintenance, but also safety on the carriageway to both the driver and the pedestrian.

For additional details of the maintenance process and the purposes of verification, see the article When to pass a technical inspection.

Required Documentation

The following package of documents is required for passing the TO:

  1. Driver identification card;
  2. Driver's license;
  3. The insurance pole of OSAGO;
  4. Documents for owning a car or a power of attorney for possession of a vehicle, must be certified by a notary;
  5. If there is an advertisement on your car or your windows are tinted, you must provide the appropriate permission;
  6. Receipt for payment of the TA tax.

For more information on the package of documents for access to maintenance, read the article What you need to pass a vehicle inspection. Also you can be useful for our article. How to pass a technical inspection.

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