The Promised Land is nowthe place of permanent residence of many of our former compatriots. In addition, Israel - a favorite place for rest and pilgrimage of tourists. A lot of them come from Russia.

So, you need to call friends who are vacationing in Israel, or friends who live there. How to do it? How to call in Israel?

Let's say you are going to call from home or work phone in Russia to a home or workman in Israel.

To do this, you first need to dial 8,after the appearance of the dial tone, dial 10 (an international call), after that - 972 - the Israeli telephone code, then - the code of the settlement where your acquaintances live. And only after that you dial the number you need.

It is even easier to call from cellular to cellular. This is done like this: + 972 (Israel code) - mobile number.

It is possible that you will have to call from your home phone in Russia to a mobile phone in Israel. To do this is also easy: dial 8, after dial tone 10, 972 and mobile phone number.

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