In childhood, probably, each of us played footballand in hockey, and some people still do not leave these amusements. And in order for us to have a hockey stick, it is not necessary to go to the store and buy it. I'll tell you about the way to make a homemade stick for hockey - and not only for ice hockey (the so-called, Canadian), but for our - Russian hockey with the ball.

How to make a hockey stick

Unlike the hockey stick for Russian hockey, the stickfor Canadian hockey, make it a bit easier because of the hook's characteristics (it's practically straight). It is enough to find a suitable workpiece for the handle with a hook, handle it and connect it. Procurement for the club should be selected according to the player's growth, because even the serially-produced sticks have 4 sizes: child, adolescent, junior and adult.

Also, see that the width of the bar was twotimes more than its thickness. Now put one end of the bar in the hot water and wait for the tree to decay. Of course, you can find a separate workpiece for the hook, but this design will not be strong enough and the stick will quickly break down. Now remove the wooden end from the water and saw it along in 2 parts, to the required length. After this, the workpiece must be simply bent at the right angle and secured with clamps and wedges. Further our preparation should be left, approximately, for a day in a dry and warm place for drying. Now we remove from the workpiece bracing and proceed to its processing. Do not forget to fasten parts cut to the hook between them - they can be glued together, or drilled and riveted.

Process the workpiece as follows: to plan the hook with a planer so that it is of the required thickness, also to plan the handle, giving it a comfortable shape for holding in hands. After this, set aside the plane and take the grinding tool - the file, and then the sandpaper and grind the workpiece. Then proceed to the final polishing of the workpiece using sandpaper. That's all - it remains only to cover the product with varnish and after drying it, wrap the stick. You can do this with a belt or rubber tape. It is desirable to wind the handle with a rubber band in order to keep the stick in a convenient position. By the way, if the workpiece is too long, at the processing stage, cut off an extra piece.

How to make a hockey stick

To make a hockey stick for usYou need a wooden bar a little more than a meter long (100-120 cm), however, for a children's club, the size, of course, should be smaller. The width of the beam with a length of 100-120 cm should be in the region of 50-60 mm, and the thickness - 25-30 mm. Further we do all the same, as for manufacturing of a stick for usual hockey. Only here before immersion in water, you need to measure 50 or 60 cm (depending on the length of the workpiece).

After the wood has broken up, pull outbillet from the water and cut it along by 30 cm. Now put the workpiece in a pre-prepared template and bend the tree, without waiting for it to cool. Next, fix our workpiece with clamps and wedges and leave to dry. Then we take the workpiece and drill the sawn end of our arc-shaped workpiece. After that, we rivet it with copper wire and washers. Then we process the sides of the arc with a plane to the required thickness.

Well, and further, we do everything exactly the same as foran ordinary hockey stick. The cross-section for the handle can be chosen either faceted or round, according to your desire. Now cut off the excess, grind, polish our workpiece, and then cover with varnish and wrapped with straps or rubber tape. Well, now you know how to make a hockey stick - and for Canadian with a puck, and for a Russian with a ball.

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