Everyone knows that doing sports is very useful. A person simply needs motor activity during the day, in order not to earn any unpleasant disease. Everyone starts to play sports for various reasons. Someone wants a beautiful and inflated body, large and embossed muscles, and someone on the contrary wants to lose weight and become more hardy. Let's take a closer look at how to train a person to achieve the desired results.

Training plan

As already mentioned above, in order toDetermine how much you need to play sports, you need to clearly understand the purpose to which you want to come. Let's consider the case if you want to gain muscle mass by going to the gym.

In order to pump large muscles, at the beginningyou do not need to go to the gym every day. No, you definitely do not need to do this. After the first workout, you will have all the muscles that have been stressed in one way or another. This is normal, because your body is not used to the training process, and for him this is the strongest stress. Therefore, the first months you need to walk the hall, maximum, twice a week and do basic exercises, which include, for example, bench press, squats with weights and deadlifts. Only after you have passed this period of training and your body starts responding to the load, then you can start working on a program aimed at certain muscle groups.

If your muscle mass is small, then you shouldas much as possible to eat protein food. Proteins are the main building material of our body, so when training that traumatizes your muscles, they are simply necessary.

How much exercise do you need to lose weight? In this case, I advise you to start with a run, and in case your weight is very large, then with a simple long walk. It is not necessary to start very sharply around marathon distances. This is wrong and will only harm your unaccustomed body. Start by practicing once a week, gradually increasing the load. Believe me, in a month, a maximum of two, you will run already two or even three times more than at your very first training session.

How does the body react?

Let's look at the physical stress on ourorganism in terms of medicine. Why asking a question about how much to play sports, you can always hear the answer that you can not start very abruptly at once? In fact, everything is quite simple. With excessive physical exertion, your body experiences extreme stress. And most of the work is not on the muscles, but on your heart. With physical activity, your "main pump" needs to swing more and more blood over your body faster and more. If your heart is not ready for such, then most likely, the only thing you will achieve from your training is shortness of breath, redness of the face and no result. This is one of the main reasons why you can not start drastically, like many professional athletes.

But, the heart is not the only weak point. Our muscles are also very severely injured during exercise. Most likely you noticed that after you run or drag the weights, the next day your muscles are aching or rather sore. This is just what indicates that your body was not ready for such stresses and is now recovering its strength.

So, let's sum up and figure out how muchonce you have to go in for sports. It all depends on your experience. If you are an experienced athlete, then your training in any case should take place in a more active mode than a beginner, otherwise there will be no meaning in this very training session. It is better for beginners to start with the preparation of their body and gradually increase the load.

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