After the political split of the Roman Empire,occurred at the turn of the 8th-9th centuries, the single Christian Church was divided into Eastern and Western. As a result of this division, two directions of Christianity appeared: Catholicism and Orthodoxy. What this is like the direction of Christianity and the difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, we will look at examples of Church organization, rituals and symbolism.

Orthodoxy and Catholicism

The Eastern Church became Orthodox, and the Western Church- Catholic. Catholicism - the most common Christian trend, which is characterized by religious intolerance, the idea of ​​power of the clergy (hierocrats) and the doctrine of theocracy (goddess). At the heart of the Orthodox dogma lies holy scripture and holy tradition, and the Church itself acts as an intermediary between God and man.

Main differences

  • Organization of the Church of Orthodoxy is characteristicterritorial division into independent churches (the Greek Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, etc.). The head of the Orthodox Church is Jesus Christ. In Catholicism, the principle of organizational unity operates. The head of the Catholic Church is the Pope.
  • Priesthood. In the Catholic Church, all priests give a vow of celibacy. The Orthodox priesthood is divided into clergy and monasticism. The vow of celibacy is given only by monks.
  • Posthumous fate of the soul. In the Catholic doctrine, the Soul passes a private court in Purgatory. In Orthodoxy, she immediately falls on God's Judgment.
  • Worship. In the Orthodox the main service is the Divine Liturgy, and the Catholics - the Mass.
  • The Sacrament of Baptism. The Orthodox are baptized three times immersed in water, Catholics - sprinkling with water or dousing.
  • First Communion. In Orthodoxy, it occurs immediately after the rite of Baptism. Catholics are admitted to the first communion after comprehending the foundations of faith, at the age of 7-12 years.
  • Icons. Orthodox icons are strict, monumental and multi-level and are written in the tradition of reverse perspective. For Catholic icons traditional direct perspective, more pronounced picturesqueness and biblical subjects.
  • Cross. The Orthodox cross has 4, 6 or 8 ends and 4 nails, at the Catholic 4 end and 3 nails.
  • The Sign of the Cross. Orthodox Christians are baptized through the right shoulder, Catholics - from left to right.

Now you know what Catholicism and Orthodoxy are and what are their main differences. More information on this topic can be found in the articles:

  • What distinguishes Orthodoxy from Catholicism and Protestantism
  • What churches are there?
  • What is Christianity?
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