Christmas along with Easter is considered one of thethe most important holidays of Christianity. It is always widely celebrated in many countries of the world by parishioners of almost all Christian confessions. However, the day itself, which accounts for the Bright Feast of the Savior's Nativity, is calculated in different ways. Because of what is happening and why Christmas is January 7, described in this article.

In Europe and the USA

In the European tradition (and also in the USA)Christmas falls on the 25th in December. The first testimonies of the feast date back to 354. Was Christ born in this day? Historians argue that a similar date was chosen to eradicate the pagan tradition of the cult of the Sun. The holiday, which was celebrated on December 25, was very common in those years in the Empire. Today's Catholics continue to celebrate Christmas in December.

In Russia

In our traditions - celebrate the Nativity of ChristJan. 7. This discrepancy in dates in comparison with the European countries is due to the fact that Russian Orthodoxy conducts the calculation according to the Julian calendar. He "lags behind" the Gregorian: for thirteen days. Accordingly, December 25 turns automatically into January 7.

The Julian calendar was introduced in Russia in 1700. And for a long time the date of celebration coincided for all the churches. The Gregorian was introduced in 1918, but Russian Orthodoxy did not use it. Hence the gap in dates.

By the way, some other Orthodox churches adhere to this calendar.

More about the Light Holiday read in the articles:

  • How to celebrate Christmas
  • When Christmas
  • What are they doing for Christmas?
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