Many players who use GTA SAMP online,meet with different difficulties. For example, not everyone knows how to write in GTA. It is worth noting that in SAMP there is a special chat room in which all users can write.

Messaging Rules

In order to start the chat and work in it,You need to press the F6 key on the keyboard. With the help of this command, you can not only type text, but also switch from one conversation to another. To activate the conversation window in a chat, you must use / togooc. Also, to start the chat, you can press "T" by selecting the English alphabet.

Alternative option

An optional messaging option may bebe using a mobile phone. To acquire it, the character needs to look into the store. To do this, type the command / buy ID. The mobile phone character in the game is very convenient to use for the exchange of short messages (for this you need to dial the number in this form: / sms NUMBER).

If you need to open a private chat window,in which you can contact another player, he should call, also using the mobile phone character. The call command to another player is / call NUMBER. To answer a call, you need to use the / pickup command. When you end the call on your mobile phone, you can put the handset on / hangup.

Also during the game you need to use the codes. This can be difficult because the player can not find where to enter the name and how to enter the codes. The most common codes can be found here. It is worth noting that they are all written with a capital letter, so you need to take this feature into account when writing.

Sometimes for a set of names and codes you can typea combination on the keyboard right during the game Shift + Ctrl. In some cases, this combination works, and you can play normally. Many players notice that it's more interesting to play codes, so to get them, you need to have them at your fingertips and enter them correctly on the command line.

If you want to learn how to shoot a game, read the relevant article - How to shoot at GTA (GTA).

You can learn more about saving rules from the article How to be saved in GTA (GTA).

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