It's not a secret that the Russian language is very difficult to remember and study, there are a lot of rules and at the same time a lot of exceptions from them. But we all want to speak and write correctly in our own language.

Very often people make mistakes in words, whereafter the hissing go vowels. For example, how do you spell "girls"? Through O or E? In spelling on this there is a rule. And this is the case when writing is not the way we hear the word.

In the suffixes of nouns, such as:

  • -oc, example: scallop, hook, cricket, horn;
  • -oneok, an example: a bear cub, a hare, a squirrel;
  • -onk, an example: a shirt, a little boy, little girls, girls.

If after the sibilant consonants h, x, u, w follows the vowel o under stress, then u is written. Therefore, it is correct to write "little girls".

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